Chapter 5 Flashcards
Endosymbitoic theory
-world full of prokaryotes, one got swallowed one day and made symbiotic relationships
Microbes eukaryote
Fungí, worms, algae, Protozoa, anthropoids
Eukaryote flagella
Diff structure to prokaryote, still for movement, 10x thicker , 9+2 microtubule arrangement, covered by extension of cell membrane, rigid rods
-microtubules are pulled and push to move flagella not like prokaryotes that rotate
-wiggle movement
Shorter and more than flagella, only in single group of Protozoa and cértain animal cells
-motility, feeding and filtering
External layer outside membrane, made of polysaccrides, adheres, protects, beneath it is dependent on the type of eurkaryotes bc they don’t all have cell walls (fungi do and algea)
-network of fibers, plasma membrane under it
Fungal cell wall
Made of chitin/ cellulose and sugars that make up thick inner layer
Thin layer of glycans
Algae cell wall
Makes a whole in the wall every time it divides and it scars, count the scars count the age, pectin, silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, sugars etc…
Cell membrane (cytoplasmic)
Phospholipid bilayer selectively permeable
-have membrane bound organelles inside
Membrane bound in the center of the cell, has an envelope (2 belayed) with pores/ wholes. Choromoses in side of it and the nucleolus which is the dark area for rRNA synthesis and ribosome assembly (where the ribosome genes are)
Double membrane bound
Covered in ribosomes that make proteins (membrane proteins or extra cellular proteins)
-part of the nuclear envelope and there is a space
-proteins will go through the membrane and end up in the space or get stuck in the membrane trying to leave nucleus
-modifies, stores and packages proteins
-stacks of flattened sacs (cisternae)
-vesicles go back and forth er
-takes proteins from rer and modifies them (post translational modification)
vesicles from golgi
transitional vesicles
removing sugars from proteins
not a membrane proteins
gets modified inside the vesicle not on the surface
-the proteins modified in golgi and on surface of vesicle are secretory proteins
-kills microbes
-enzymes from the golgi
-made by golgi
-specialized vacuole
-membrane bound vesicle with things to be digested, destroyed etc
vacuole merged with lysosome
-form phagolysosome
-inner folds= cristae
-divide independently of cell
-cristae hold enzymes and electron carriers of aerobic respiration
-have their own DNA that looks similar to prokaryotic
-evolved from bacteria cells similar to rickettsias
photosynthesis of photons into energy which becomes sugar
-algae and plant cells
-double membrane with thylokoid stacks inside
-has a prokaryotic looking genome and thier own ribosomes like mitochondria
-evolved from cyanobacteria
thylakoid stack
-rrna and protein
-in cytoplasm or rer
-larger than prokaryotic ribosomes
-protein synt
ribosome size
80s (60s +40s)
-(large + small subunit)
prokaryotic is 70s
prok vs euk ribosomes
difference in size lets us target prokaryotic ribosomes with drugs and not interfere with euk
proteins, microfilaments, microtubule network throughout cytoplasm
-movement of cytoplasm, amoeboid movement, transport (highways) and support
-function is dependent of cell
eukaryotic microbes
fungi, algae, worms
-2 groups macro and microscopic
-unicellular or colonial
macroscopic fungi
muschroom, puffballs, gill fungi
microscopic fungi
mold and yeast
-looks like individual cells
-ovoid shape, asexual reproduction
-buds off and scars
-soft, uniform texture and appearance
-long rods of yeast cells, fungi/ mold
-division between= septate
-don’t always have clear division
-fungi that switch between yeast and hyphae
-can make fungi very pathogenic
fungal infection
dead plants and animals
molds that infect humans
-produce toxins and protein that poison people
-some fungus cause infection but most ppl are harmed by thier byproducts
yeast reproduction
pops hole in cell wall, new cell buds off and creates a scar that can be seen on SEM
-they do not always separate sometimes they form chains
yeast in chains
filamentus fungi/ mycelium
mass of hyphae
-cottony or hairy
reproductive hyphae
producing spores
-where spores are made
-asexual from budding or mitosis
vegetative hyphae
digestion and active
cluster of spores released from sac
hyphae that break off
fungal sexual reproduction
-spores made after fusion of two strains and form a sexual structure
sexual spore structures
zygospores, ascospores and basidiospores (used for classification/ phylum)
zygospore reproduction
-spore released into environment (inert cells that is a haploid)
-germinate on old bread
-growing as hyphae (not alway)
-male and female (+ and -) hyphae fuse and fertilize a zygospore
-zygospore germinates and forms sporangium from meiosis that releases spores
-starts with haploid hyphae that fuse and fertilize a diploid organism
-grows as diploid hyphae until it forms spores
-meiosis makes haploid spores
-spores released= asco spores
-cup fungus
-haploid -> diploid -> haploid
-spores released as haploid, fertilize/ fusion, diploid organism grows
-germinates (mushroom)
-meiosis makes diploid into haploid cells
fungi kingdom
sexual spores
will only reproduce sexually
asexual spores
will only reproduce asexually
identify fungi
-appearance from growth, reproductive structure, hyphal type, colony, color, genetic makeup
-dont enter reproduction all the time, need specific conditions
fungi imperfecti
all fungi that we dont see reproduce and dont identify
reproduction but also survival bc they are different from vegitative spores
fungal spore vs bacteria spore
-fungal spore reproduces bacteria does not
caused by true fungal pathogens for humans
-infect healthy person while others normally need a weakness for disease
true fungi pathogens
-dimorphic from hyphal to yeast so they can grow in human host
thermal dimorphism
-mold/ hyphae at 30 celsius spores infect human and yeast at 37 grows as yeast in warm person
-virulence factor
4 true f pathogens
-wont rlly infect healthy people
what makes ppl resistant to fungi?
tissue temperature
-redox potential
algae and protozoa
can not photosynthesize
unicellular, colonial or filamentus (seaweed)
-cell wall or pellicle (components of cell wall dependant on type of algea)
-chloroplasts with chlorophyll and pigment
-basis of food web
can give off toxin (red tide)
-not always red and not all red are bad
-harmful bloom (HAB)
-Karenia Brevis that makes saxitoxin
-eat shellfish infected get paralyzed
-takes oxy out of water and suffocates it
cell wall like plates of armor
algae and people
one exception: prototheca which can cause skin infection
-mostly ppl affected by toxins from algae
-no cell wall or chloroplast (heterotroph)
-mostly aquatic
-unicellular mostly
-flagella or cillia
-can be trophozoite
-sexual or asexual
-vegitative form
-feeding state
formant resting stage when there is environemental stress
protozoa sexual reproduction
-psuedopods to move
-reorganizing cytoskeletal
-fission reproduction (split in half)
-all parasitic and need host
-cant rlly move
-one or multiple hosts
-parasitic worms
-multicellular, have reproductive organs, move digestion etc
-eggs and sperm
-have mouths that attach to host tissue (tape worm attaches to intestine eats your food and you poop out eggs)
-larva period for fertilized eggs that are sometimes in host or out
-protozoa parasite
-only in trophozoite
t. vaginalis (std trichomoniasis)
found only in humans
-50% non symptomatic
-dies out of host
-visible in discharge
-foul smell
-flagella protozoa
-heart shape like suction cup
-cysts survive for 2 months in environment
-diarrhea in gut
-cysts germinate and multiply causing diarrhea
-resistant to chlorine (makes water drinkable)