chapter 11 pt 4 Flashcards
klebsiella pneumoniae
normally in respiratory tract
-large capsuel that causes nosocomial pneumonia
-bacteremia wound infections
opportunistic coliform
klebsiella pneumoniae
non coliform
lactose negative enterics
non coliforms that cause opportunistic
proteus, morganella and providencia
-harmless in soil, manure, sewage, polluted water
salmonella and shigella
-well developed virulence factors
-primary pathogens
-not normal human flora
-some diarrhea and can affect other systems
salmonella typhi
most serious of the genus
-causes typhoid fever
-only in humans
-fecal oral route
s cholerae suis
zoonosis of swine
s enteritidis
different serotypes based on variation of O, H, and V
survive outside the host
-looses flagella once inside
what is typhoid resistant to?
bile and dyes
-will invade small intestine
typhoid fever
in developed countries
-endemic areas like latin america, asia and india
-can be a carrier
-enters with eating fecal contaminated food/ water
-chronic carriers shed bacilli from their gallbladder
-invasice diarrhea will lead to septicemia
how to treat typhoid fever
ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone
-2 vaccines give temporary protection
enteric fevers
salmonelloses other than typhoid fever
-food poisoning
-less severe than typhoid fever
salmonella enteritidis
all zoonotic in origin
-humans can become carriers
s. dysenteriae, s sonnei, s flexneri and s boydii
-related to ecoli
-fecal oral
-invade villus of large intestine
does shigella invade blood?
NO nor does it perforate intestine
-just stays in intestine
incapacitating dysentary
-acid resistant and passes through tummy to intestine
-destroys human colonic mucosa
what does shigellosis trigger
acute inflammatory response with mucosal ulceration and abscess formation
shigellosis stool
has RBC, WBS, bacteria
-classic dysentary