Chapter 17 Slides 51+ Flashcards
cold temperature, pregnancy, high altitude, hypoglycemia cause hypothalamus to release?
thyrotropin releasing hormone TRH
thyrotropin releasing hormone causes anterior pituitary to release?
thyroid stimulating hormone
thyroid stimulating hormone binds to receptors of follicular cells in the thyroid and triggers the release of?
thyroid hormone
follicular cells release two forms of thyroid hormone into the blood what are they?
triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine T3 and T4
thyroid gland produces more T4 but T3 is more active for most ______ ______ convert T4 to T3
target cells
thyroid hormone increases________ rate and _________ synthesis in target cells and stimulates the systhesis of _________ ________ pumps in neurons
thyroid hormone increases metabolic rate and protein synthesis in target cells. It stimulates synthesis of sodium potassium pumps in neurons.
thyroid hormone stimulates increased _____ ______ &_________ uptake. it also increases number of cellular respiration enzymes within___________
thyroid hormone causes increased amino acid and glucose uptake it also increases the number of cellular respiration enzymes within mitochondria.
thyroid hormone increases glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis well decreasing in glycogenolysis by stimulating what in the liver?
thyroid hormone stimulates adipose cells to increase blood ________& ____ _______
increased blood withdrawal and fatty acids
thyroid hormone causes increase in little Isis and decrease in lippo Genesis in adipose tissue cells this saves glucose for the brain this effect is known as
glucose sparing effect
what does thyroid hormone due to respiration rate and heart rate
thyroid hormone increases respiration rate and heart rate, these responses help me increase 02 demand for aerobic cellular respiration
thyroid hormone causes heart to increase receptors for?
epinephrine and norepinephrine
Graves disease is a result of_______________ resulting in increased metabolic rate, weight loss, hyperactivity, heat intolerance
hyperthyroidism. caused by T4 ingestion, excessive simulation of pituitary, or loss of feedback control in thyroid. Treated by removing thyroid
treatment for grave does Graves disease or hyperthyroidism is?
treated by removing the thyroid, then giving hormone supplements.
what results from decreased production of thyroid ? include low metabolic rate, lethargy, cold intolerance, weight gain, photophobia.
hypothyroidism . caused by decreased iodine intake, loss of pituitary stimulation of thyroid, post-surgical, or immune system destruction of thyroid.
Hashimoto thyroiditis is another name for
hypothyroidism or passion Moto that roditis is treated with?
thyroid hormone replacement
lack of dietary iodine preventing thyroid from producing thyroid hormone can result in?
enlargement of the thyroid, a goiter.
the Adrenal medulla forms the inner core of each adrenal gland. it releases ___________ and _________ with ________ stimulation
the Adrenal medulla releases epinephrine and norepinephrine with sympathetic stimulation.
the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands synthesize more than 25____________
what are three regions producing different steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex?
three regions producing different steroid hormones are Zona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata, and the inner zona reticularis
___________ hormones that regulate blood sugar made in____________: middle cortical layer. cortisol increases blood sugar
glucocorticoids are made in Zona fasciculata
___________: sex hormones made in __________: the inner cortical layer.
gonadocorticoids are sex hormones made in Zona reticularis
___________: are male sex hormones made by adrenals converted to estrogen in females.