Chapter 12 - Anabolism Flashcards
requires input of chemical or light energy
anabolism is blank
most biosynthesis involves these
anabolism regulation is done by enzyme blank and blank
activity, synthesis
energy from blank is used for biosynthetic pathways
blank inhibit anabolic pathways
these are synthesized from limited number of simple structural units called blank
macromolecules, monomers
many enzymes play a role in blank and blank
catabolism, anabolism
Calvin cycle happens in blank of chloroplast and is aka
stroma, reductive pentose phosphate cycle
three phases of Calvin cycle
carboxylation phase, reduction phase, regeneration phase
blank atp and blank nadph are used during the incorporation of one co2
three, two
phase of Calvin cycle that is catalyzed by the enzyme rubisco
carboxylation phase
carboxylation phase uses blank to attach the CO2 to an unstable intermediate to a two phosphoglycerate
3 phospho glycerate reduced to glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate in these phases
reduction, regeneration
it takes blank turns of the Calvin cycle to make a mole of glucose
carbohydrates are produced in this phase of the Calvin cycle
regeneration phase
another CO2 fixation pathway is the blank
tricarboxylic acid cycle (krebs)
CO2 fixation pathway done by some archaeal genera and the green nonsulfur bacteria
hydroxypropionate cycle
another process besides Krebs cycle
pentoses are formed by the removal of one blank atom from a blank
carbon, hexose
chemolithotrophs and photoautotrophs use only blank sources to make amino acids
all microbes synthesize their own blank
ammonia is the most easily incorporated form of blank to the carbon skeleton in microbes
once you have made the key blank then others can be made quite easily
amino acid
used by bacteria to reduce nitrate to ammonia and then incorporate it into an organic form
using oxygen in aerobic respiration is blank
reduction of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia
nitrogen fixation
nitrogen fixation is catalyzed by blank
nitrogenase is only found in blank and blank
Bacteria, archaea
nitrogenase makes blank go to blank
nitrogen gas, ammonia
sulfur is needed for the synthesis of amino acids blank and blank
cysteine, methionine
sulfur is needed for synthesis of several blank
main inorganic sulfur source
2 ringed nucleotides
purines, adenine, guanine
single ring nucleotides
pyramidine, cytosine, thymine
most common phosphate sources are blank
present in environment in dissolved or particulate form form of phosphate
organic phosphate esters
major required component in cell membranes
synthesized then added to other molecules to form others lipids
fatty acids
fatty acids are made from blank coA and blank coA
acetly, mallel
fatty acids and glycerol makes a blank