Chapter 103 Lungs Flashcards
Describe the position of the arteries and veins in relation to the bronchus in the lungs (cranial vs. caudal, ventral vs. dorsal)
Pulmonary arteries cranial dorsal aspect of each bronchus
Pulmonary veins caudal and ventral aspect of each bronchus
Right lung
Left lung
Name the 7 lung lobes and the side they’re on
Left side: Left cranial and caudal lung lobes
Left cranial lung lobe – cranial and caudal portions
Right side: Right cranial, middle, caudal, and accessory lung lobes
Describe the location of the accessory lung lobe
Within the dorsal opening of the mediastinal recess
Right accessory lung lobe passes dorsal to caudal vena cava and is medial to plica vena cava
Inspiration is ____ and expiration is ____
active - pressure in alveoli is sub atmospheric during inspiration
The lowest lung compliance is at ___ and ___ volumes
Lowest compliance at high and low lung volumes – need more energy to expand the lungs
What can effect lung compliance
fibrosis or edema
Define elastance vs compliance
Elastance: degree to which the lung can recoil
Compliance: measure lung distensibility
What is surfactants role
Surfactant indirectly increases lung compliance* by lowering surface tension and reduces the amount of work needed to inflate the lungs
Prevents collapse of small alveoli and thus atelectasis
Ventilation is controlled by what
The respiratory center in the medulla that generates breathing rhythm and regulation of tidal volume
What has the greatest influence on peripheral and central chemoreceptors on the medulla
Changes in PaCO2
Can CO2 diffuse across blood-brain barrier
What is the hypoxic ventilation drive
When PaO2 drops below 60mmHg then ventilation increases - important for when response to CO2 is altered
Define the oxygen carrying capacity
Amount of oxygen that can bind to hemoglobin
Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
describes interactions between dissolved oxygen and heme
What shifts the O2-hb dissociation curve to the right
Increased temp
Increased 2,3 DPG in RBC
Increased CO2
What causes a high V/Q mismatch
What causes a low V/Q
Pneumonia, Alveolar collapse (pulmonary mass or pneumothorax or atelectasis), severe pulmonary edema
Hypoventilation, low fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), and diffusion impairment respond ______ to oxygen supplementation
Very well
Low V/Q has a ______ response to oxygen supplementation
Increased V/Q has a _________ response to oxygen supplementation
Which hypoxic circumstance does not respond to oxygen supplementation
Right to left shunting
Define cheyne-stokes respiration
Increase in rate and depth, then becomes slower, followed by brief apnea.