Chapter 10: Stress Response and Stress Management Flashcards
definition of stress
negative emotional experience that results in predictable biochemical, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral changes
experiences in childhood effect people later on in life
physically and mentally
adverse childhood experiences (ACE)
sensitize people to stress later in life
what are the forms of ACE
substance use disorders
mentally ill
Walter cannon developed
fight or flight
cannon tested his fight or flight theory on
animals and men
because cannon tested on animals and men his theory is considered to be
Selye developed
General adoption syndrome (GAS)
GAS 3 stages
GAS alarm stage
activates SNS
activates HPA axis to stay on alert
GAS resistance/adaption
sustained and optimal resistance to the stressor
recovery, repair, renewal
GAS exhaustion
resources are depleted
stress can become chronic
see physical signs of stress at this stage
HPA axis
hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal glands
gas pedal of the system that keeps the system on high alert
bad vs good stress
bad: distress
good: eustress
negative, draining, anxiety, depression, confusion, helplessness, hopelessness, fatigue
motivates individual
results in positive feeling
GAS reflects which gender
male responses
females tend to respond by
tending and befriending
tending and befriending
protects the young and reliance on the social net work for support
stress can induce changes in __________ system making you more susceptible to disease
individualized how we perceive stress and determines how we react to it
social support
intact support systems positively influence reduced mortality ratess
scales make subjective
relaxation techniques
deep breathing exercises
meditation and mindfullness
what is going on in the moment, what is going on around you, mind wandering
progressive relaxation
move up feet to face
squeeze for 8 seconds and release
relaxation response
physical state of deep rest that changes physical and emotional responses to stress, and is the opposite of the fight or flight response
cognitive reframing
changing negatives to positives