chapter 1 lesson 3 part 1 Flashcards
This European explorer headed west looking for a western route to Asia. They disappeared at sea and are responsible for making people fearful of exploration.
John Cabot
This person was responsible for publishing an attack on the Catholic Church that marked the beginning of Reformation. They are one of two people who questioned and disagreed with Catholic teachings
Martin Luther
This person is responsible for arguing that kings nor bishops should control the Church, and that the congregation should choose their own elders and ministers. They are one of two people who questioned and disagreed with Catholic teachings.
John Calvin
How did the Reformation change England?
Due to King Henry VII getting salty about not being able to get an annulment, he started his own Anglican church that made England Protestant.
This event was when landowners converted their estates to sheep farms by enclosing the land and evicting the tenants. It created thousands of poor, unemployed beggars and made America look much better.
The Enclosure Movement
This was when a company pooled their money together to finance colonization. It allowed for raising money with little risk and a way to get around the king.
Joint-Stock Company
What fueled England’s desire to colonize?
the need for new markets
This English explorer received a charter to make a colony in America through a joint-stock company. They made two failed attempts, in which the second attempt ended in their death.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
This person convinced Elizabeth to give them a charter. When it was successful, they sent two ships out to the New World to set up Roanoke and called the area Virginia after Elizabeth.
Sir Walter Raleigh
What were Raleigh’s two attempts to Roanoke like?
The first was in 1585 when he sent 100 men, and they returned due to a hard winter. He sent 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children the second time around, and the first English person born in the New World was born.
What happened with Roanoke?
Governor John White went to England for more supplies, and came back later than expected. He came back to find everyone in Roanoke missing and the words “CRO” carved on a tree.
This person was the first English person born in the New World.
Virginia Dare
What happened in Jamestown?
The Virginia Company was granted a charter to send 3 ships of 144 men to the New World to colonize in 1606. 104 survived and were met with a bad site that was swampy, hot, humid, and had malaria.
What did John Smith establish?
“No work, no food”
This was a system that offered land to people who could afford it to come over to Jamestown. It backfired due to 400 new settlers showing up and not having enough food for everyone.
HeadRight System
How could someone get additional HeadRights?
They can work as an indentured servant for 7 years.
This person introduced Jamestown to tobacco and developed a new curing method. This allowed for tobacco to become a cash crop for Jamestown and led to them prospering.
John Rolfe
This was the first legislative body in English colonies. It was designed to govern over these colonies.
House of Burgesses