Chap 10 Nervous System Flashcards
Nerve cells ( neurons):
- Microscopic
- Collected into macroscopic nerves.
- Carry electrical messages all over the body
General structure of the nervous system:
Two major divisions:
- Central nervous system- CNS
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- Peripheral nervous system- PNS
- Cranial nerves
- Spinal nerves
- Plexuses
- Peripheral nerves throughout the body
- Cranial nerves carry electrical impulses between the brain and the head and neck ( except the vague nerve)
- ## Spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and the chest, abdomen, and extremities
Cranial and spinal nerves:
Sensory receptor
Sensory nerves carry messages toward the brain.
Motor nerves carry messages from the brain.
Mixed nerves carry both sensory and motor fibers
Sensory receptors
Divisions of the central and peripheral nervous system:
Central nervous system:
- Brain
- Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system: - Cranial nerves ( 12 pairs) - Spinal nerves (31 pairs) - Autonomic nerves: \+ Parasympathetic nerves \+ Sympathetic nerves
Neuron :
Individual nerve cell. - Dendrite - Cell nucleus - Axon \+ Myelin sheath \+ Neurilemma - Terminal end fibers ( secrete neurotransmitters) - Neurotransmitters transfer impulses across synapse.
Glia cells
- Maintain the health of the nervous system.
- Do not transmit impulses
- Controls body temperature, sleep, appetite, sexual desire, and emotions.
- Regulates release of hormones from the pituitary gland.
- Monitors sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
Posterior portion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord.
- Pons: hoc cau
- Bridges the cerebrum and cerebellum with the rest of the brain.
- Houses nerves for the face and eyes.
The part of the brain anterior to the cerebellum and between the medulla and the rest of the midbrain.
- Medulla oblongata:
- Connects the spinal cord to the brain.
- Nerve tracts from side to side
- Regulates:
+ Blood vessels
+ Heart
+ Respiratory system
The part of the brain just above the spinal cord; controls size of blood vessels, heartbeat, breathing.
- Latin for “ little brain”
- Region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control.
- It receives input from sensory systems of the spinal cord and from other parts of the brain, and integrates these inputs to fine tune motor activity.
- coordinates muscle movements and mantains balance.
Tieu nao
Neurotransmitters chemical released at the end of nerve cells.
Afferent nerve
Carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord.
Arachnoid membrane:
Middle layer of three membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Mang nhen
Glial cell that transports water and salts from capillaries
Te bao hinh sao
Glial cell: te bao TK dem
Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulses along a nerve cell
Soi truc TK
Blood-brain barriers
Protective separation between the blood and brain cell that keeps substances ( such as anticancer drugs) from penetrating capillary walls and entering the brain.
Hang rao mau nao
Cauda equina ( horse tail)
Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord.
Cell body
The part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus.
Than te bao
Central nervous system (CNS)
The brain and spinal cord
The posterior part of the brain that coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance .
The largest part of the brain; responsible for voluntary muscle activity, vision, speech, taste, hearing, thought, and memory.
Cranial nerves
Twelve pair;
Carry messages to and from the brain with regard to the head and neck ( except the vagus nerve)
Vagus nerve: day than kinh phe vi
Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell;
The first part to receive the nervous impulse
Te bao TK dang nhanh
Dura matter
The thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord.
Mang cung
Efferent nerve
Carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord; motor nerve.
Ependymal cell
Glial cell that lines the membranes within the brain and spinal cord;
Helps form cerebrospinal fluid
Tb thuoc lop mang nao tuy song
Pl.: ganglia
Collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system.
Glial cell
neuroglial cell
- maintains help of nervous system.
- Supportive and connective nerve cell that does not carry nervous impulses;
Can reproduce itself.
Tb TK dem
Pl.: gyri
Sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded ridge on the surface of the cerebral cortex; convolution.
Nep cuon nao
The portion of the brain beneath the thalamus;
Controls sleep, appetite, body temperature, and pituitary gland secretion
Vung nao dk than nhiet, doi, khat.
Medulla oblongata
The part of the brain just above the spinal cord;
Controls breathing, heartbeat, and size of blood vessels.
Phan cuoi nao dinh voi tuy xuong dk hoi tho, nhip tim, kich thuoc mach mau
Three protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Mang boc nao va tuy song
Microglial cell
Phagocytic glial cell that waste products from the central nervous system.
Tb thuoc TK trung uong
Nervous system:
- Complex: 10 billion nerve cells
- Voluntary and involuntary functions
- Carries electrical messages
- External and internal receptors
Motor nerve
Carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and organs;
Efferent nerve
Day than kinh van dong
Myelin sheath
Covering of white fatty tissue that surrounds and insulates the axon of a nerve cell; speeds impulse conduction.
Lop ngoai te bao than kinh axon
Macroscopic cord-like collection of fibers (axons and dendrites) that carry electrical impulses
Chemical messenger released at the end of a nerve cell; stimulates or inhibits another cell.
Chat dan truyen TK
Oligodendroglial cell
Glial cell that forms the myelin sheath covering axons; oligodendrocyte.
Te bao dem it nhanh
Parasympathetic nerves
Involuntary, autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions such as heart rate, breathing, and muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Day than kinh doi giao
Essential, distinguishing tissue of any organ or system; for the nervous system, neurons and nerves that carry impulses.
Te bao nhu mo
Peripheral nervous system
Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord; cranial, spinal, and autonomic nerves.
He thong tb TK ngoai bien
Pia mater
The thin, delicate inner membrane of meninges.
Mang mem
Meninges: 3 lop mang boc nao va tuy song
Pl.: Plexuses
A large, interlacing network of nerves
Day than kinh giao nhau
The part of the brain exterior to the cerebellum and between the medulla and the rest of the midbrain.
Hoc cau
Medulla: tuy xuong
An organ that receives a nervous stimulus and passes it on to afferent nerves; the skin, ears, eyes, and taste buds are receptors
Co quan nhan cam
Sensory nerve
Carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord from receptors; afferent nerve.
Sciatic nerve
The nerve extending from the base of the down the thigh, lower leg, and foot.
Day than kinh hong
Spinal nerves
Thirsty-one pairs arising from the spinal cord.
Day TK cot song
Connective and supporting tissue of an organ; glial cells are the stromal tissue of the brain.
Chat , mo dem
Pl.: sulci
Depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex; fissure
Ranh nao
The space through which a nervous impulse travels between nerve cells or between nerve and muscle or glandular cells.
Khop than kinh
Main relay center of the brain; conducts impulses between the spinal cord and the cerebrum.
1 phan cua nao giua
Vagus nerve
Tenth cranial nerve; branches reach to the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, aorta, esophagus, and stomach.
Day than kinh phe vi
Ventricles of the brain
Canals in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid.
Nao that
Cerebrospinal fluid: dich nao tuy
Tieu nao
Dura mater
Mang cung (nao)
Glial cells
Tb TK dem
Thin, slender (mong)
Membranes, meninges
Spinal cord
Hoc cau
Nerve root
1 phan cua nao giua
Vo, bao
Vagus nerve
Than kinh phe vi
Excessive sensitivity to pain
Deep sleep
esthesi/o, -esthesia
Feeling, nervous sensation
kines/o, -kinesia
-kinesis, kinetic
Tai bien
Word, phrase
Slight paralysis
Liet nhe
Cut off/ faint
Chong mat
Order, coordination
O tu mau
Congenital disorder
- Hydrocephalus: benh trang dich mang nao
- Spina bifida: tat nut dot song
Congenital defects in the lumbar spinal column caused by imperfect union of vertebral parts.- spina bifida cystica: Thoat vi mang tuy-tuy song
- spina bifida occulta: Nut dot song an
Degenerative movement, and Seizure disorders
- Alzheimer disease (AD)
Brain disorder marked by gradual and progressive dementia, personality changes, and impairment of daily functioning.
Dementia: chung mat tri
Impairment: suy yeu
Mat tri nho ( bi tac dong hay lon tuoi)
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Degenerative disorder of motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem.
Benh xo cung teo co 1 ben
- Epilepsy
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
Chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizure activity
Chung dong kinh
Roi loan than kinh do bi tai bien
- Huntington disease
( Huntington chorea)
Chung mua giac
Co that co bap
Degenerative movement & seizure disorders
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Destruction of the myelin sheath on neurons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of sclerosis tissue
Benh da so cung
6.Myasthenia gravis (MG)
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
Benh yeu co, nhuoc co
Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness of voluntary muscles
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
- Palsy
Chung liet, su te liet
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
- Parkinson disease
Benh run tay chan va kho dk co bap
Degenerative movement and; seizure disorders
- Tourette syndrome
Tat may giat van dong, tat phat am
Disease of involuntary, spasmodic, twitching movements, uncontrollable vocal sounds, and inappropriate words
Infections disorder
- Herpes zoster (shingles)
Phat ban va bi dau da
Infections disorder
2. Meningitis
Vien mang nao
Infections disorder
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy
Traumatic disorder
- Cerebral concussion
- Temporary brain dysfunction after injury.
- There may be no evidence of structural damage to brain tissue or loss of consciousness.
- Rest is very important to allow the brain to heal.
- Usually clear within 24 hours.
Chan dong nao
Traumatic disorder
- Cerebral contusion:
- Brushing of brain tissue through direct trauma to the head.
- Usually associated with skull fracture as well as edema and an increase in intracranial pressure.
- Neurological deficits persist longer than 24 hours.
Dung giap nao
Vascular disorders:
- Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Tai bien mach mau nao
- Thrombotic: a blood clot in an artery leaving the brain.
- Embolic: a dislodged clot that travels to the cerebral arteries.
- Hemorrhagic: a blood vessel, such as the cerebral artery, breaks and bleeding occurs.
Disruption in the normal blood supply to the brain; stroke.
Traumatic disorders:
- Migraines
Chung dau nua dau
A severe, recurring, unilateral, vascular headache.
Parkinson’s disease
- Shuffling gait : dang di le buoc chan
- Loss of motor control
- Michael j Fox
Benh kho doc viet
- Disorder of reading, writing, and learning
- Can severely disabled a child’s self-esteem.
Highly malignant brain tumor
Ung thu nao nguy hiem nhat
Chung bi liet
- Hemiplegia= 1/2 same side
- Paraplegia = top half of body
- Quadraplegia = all four extremities
Tai bien ngap mau
- Aura may be present
- Grand Mal “big bad”
- Tonic clonic
+ characterized by loss of consciousness
Aura: tien trieu chung
Clonic: giat rung
Sensation disorder
- Anesthesia = no feeling: su gay me
- Paresthesia = abnormal sensation
Subdural hematoma
Tu mau duoi mang cung
Awake craniotomy
Mo so luc con tinh
- Hydrocephalus:
Benh tran dich mang nao
spina bifida cystica:
Thoat vi mang tuy-tuy song
spina bifida occulta:
Nut dot song an
The brain:
- Frontal lobe: (thought processes, behavior, personality, emotion)
- Parietal lobe: (body sensations, visual and spatial perception)
- (Body movement)
- Temporal lobe: ( hearing, understanding, speech, language)
- Occipital lobe: ( vision)
- Broca area: ( language expression)
- Wernicke area: ( language comprehension)
- Sulri
- Gyri