Ch 21: Digestive Flashcards
Organ structures in the digestive tract
-Small intestine
-Large intestine
Accessory organs of the digestive system
-Salivary glands
What do the mesenteries do
Suspend the digestive organs within the abdominal cavity while anchoring them loosely to the abdominal wall
Greater omentum
Extends from the greater curvature of the stomach over the small intestine
Lesser omentum
Extends from the lesser curve of the stomach to the liver
Lingual frenulum
Anchors the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Hard palate
Made of bone and separates the mouth from the nasal cavity
Soft palate
Made mostly of skeletal muscle and forms an arch between the mouth and nasopharynx
Parotid gland
Salivary gland located just Anterior to the ear
-Duct drains two roof of mouth near second molar
Submandibular gland
Located underneath the mandible
-Empties either side of the lingual frenulum
Sublingual gland
Located under the tongue
-Drains through multiple ducts onto the floor of the mouth
Lower esophageal sphincter
Helps prevent the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus
Four regions of the stomach
-Small ring right after the esophagus
-Top bump of stomach
-Most of stomach
-End part of stomach
Mixture of broken down food and gastric juice gross
Folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the stomach
Hepatic lobules
Functional units of the liver
Lobes of the liver
-Right lobe
-Left lobe
-Caudate lobe (near inferior vena cava)
-quadrate lobe (Near the gallbladder)
What’s the liver for
-Secretes bile
-Glucose storage
-Processing and storing vitamins
-Filtering toxins
-Recycling red blood cells
How does bile get from the liver to the gallbladder
-Right and left hepatic ducts merge to common hepatic duct, Which turns into the common bile duct and then backs up into the cystic duct and into gall bladder
How does Firehall get from the gallbladder to duodenum
Exits gallbladder through cystic duct to common bile duct
-Merges with the duct from the pancreas to form ampulla of Vater
-Exits through sphincter of Oddi
-Comes out major duodenal papilla
Acinar cells
Located in pancreas
-Secrete digestive enzymes in inactive form that break down lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates once activated
-First 10 inches of small intestine
Second part of small intestine
-About 8 feet long
Last part of the small intestine
-About 12 feet long
-Contain peyer’s patches
Projections that increase surface area for absorption
-Produce digestive enzymes
-First part of the large intestine
-Attached to the appendix
Ascending colon
-Second part of the large intestine
-Takes a sharp turn at the end called the right colic flexure Or hepatic flexure
Transverse colon
-Third part of the large intestine
-Makes a sharp turn at the left colic flexure or splenic flexure
Descending colon
-Fourth part of large intestine

Sigmoid colon
-Fifth part of the large intestine
-Forms an S shape down to the rectum
-Sixth part of the large intestine

Anal cavity
Last little bit of the large intestine
-Contains internal and external sphincter which are involuntary and voluntary respectively