Casey (contemporary study) Flashcards
What did Mischel’s study do?
Marshmallow test: measured self control in children to see if they ate a marshmallow
If they waited 15 mins they could have 2
If they are it before 15 mins they would only get that one
High delayers from Mischel’s study
Waited 15 mins for the extra marshmallow
High delayers meaning from Mischel’s study
Those who did not seek immediate gratification
Had the ability to better delay the gratification to wait for a bigger award (didn’t eat marshmallow in 15 mins and got 2)
Low delayers meaning in Mischel’s study
They could not delay their gratification: immediate seeking of gratification
And ate the marshmallow before 15 minutes
2 areas of the brain associated with cognitive control
Cool systems = inferior frontal gyrus
Hot systems = ventral striatum
What are cool systems?
Cognitive control that can reimagine hot stimuli to be neutral and therefore less appealing
This allows someone to delay gratification
What are hot systems
Linked to gaining awards for interacting and ‘giving in’ to hot stimuli
Eg, desire and thus gratification
What was the aim of Casey’s study?
To follow up 4 year olds from Mischel’s study as adults in terms of their gratification:
Would low delayers show more errors on the go/no go task designed by Casey than high delayers
To investigate the cold and hot systems in the brain of Ps to see which have higher activity levels
Hypotheses of this studym relation to neurobiological study
Low delayers will show lower activity in pre frontal gyrus (cold systems thus self control) compared to high delayers in fMRI scans
Low delayers will show higher activity in ventral striatum (hot systems thus gratification) compared to high delayers in fMRI scans
Sample of experiment 1
59 participants
27 low delayers
32 high delayers
Sample method
Self selected: involved getting in contact with previous participants from Mischel’s study who thus volunteered
Longitudinal study
Involved following up participants from Mischel’s study to gain data on self control
And following up later for fMRI scans
Experiment type
Quasi experiment because the naturally occurring IV was whether a participant was determined to be a high delayer or low delayer from previously taking part in Mischel’s marshmallow study
What task was designed for this study?
The Go/No go task
Controlling for participant variables?
All of the same age, 44
Even gender split