Unit 2 Section B Test Flashcards
Question E structure
4 paragraphs:
Each one has point, evidence, comment
2 where the point shows strengths and 2 where it shows negatives
Question E paragraph 1
Point = research is standardised for all participants thus the experiments
Example = Simon and Chabris because all participants went through the same standardised procedure which is kept the same eg same video showed where team through balls in standardised order, same location in front of lift shot in order to see effect of inattentional blindness
Comment = by having procedures which can be replicated by other researchers in the future, research can be repeated in order to find a consistent effect that was measured in the first place, by comparing the results
Question E paragraph 2
Point = objective and usually quantitative data is usually collected in a consistent method which controls for other factors
Example = Blakemore and cooper collected quantitative data of the orientation of neurones in the 2 kittens, following their time spent in a cylinder with illuminated stripes in order to see the effect this has
Comment = collecting objective data ensures the validity of the study as it confirms that what is being measured is a result of the isolated factor and thus is an accurate measurement of what we wanted to measur
Question E paragraph 3
Weakness Lab experiments which control for all extraneous variables are conducted which decreases ecological validity
Example = Loftus and palmer in which ps watched 7 clips of staged car crashes. As a result, participants were given a questionnaire which had same questions: to describe the accident first etc (aside from critical question), and were given the same instructions. This is not similar to real life as car crashes occur spontaneously with no prior knowledge thus not an accurate reflection
Comment = if studies are lacking in ecological validity then it is harder to apply findings to real life scenarios as what is measured might not be an accurate reflection of real life
Question E paragraph 4
Weakness = scientific research involves isolating a single factor to measure cause and effect which controls for other factors, making it more reductionist
Example = Hancock where he interviewed criminals charged with murder to determine language differences across psychopaths (scored over 25 on PCL R test) or non psychopaths (scored under)
He controlled for factors across participants with similar mean age in each condition, and time since the crime was committed across groups. To ensure psychopathy is reason behind differences in language (eg emotive language)
Comment = research which is reductionist separates one factor and this doesn’t account for how other factors can interact to influence this. As a result, conclusions drawn Amy not be accurate and true to reality
Question D structure
One way of comparison
Example 2
Elaboration eg which one is better
Repeat for one more
Paragraph 1 question D first point of comparison
Developmental area uses longitudinal studies whereas cognitive area tends to use snapshot studies
First point of comparison question D examples
Example = within kohlberg study over 12 years every 2 years, he interviewed a sample of 75 boys aged 10-16 to determine what stage they’re at in his stages or moral development theory based on their reasonings for hypothetical moral scenarios
Example 2 = Grant’s study on context dependent memory to see if information is recalled better when it is learnt in a matching condition to which uts tested (eg noisy with cafeteria or silent) the procedure occurred in approximately 30 mins. Where they read article + recall test and recognition test
First point of comparison question D elaboration
Longitudinal studies aim to investigate how behaviour changes and develops over a course of a period to measure the the progression which is the main principle of developmental area
Whereas in cognitive area it aims to investigate a cognitive process which occurs momentarily
Second point of comparison question D
Developmental area supports nurture side of nature vs nurture debate whereas cognitive area tends to support nature side
Examples in question D second point of comparison
Moray from cognitive area
Chaney from developmental area
Elaboration in comparison point D for 2 point of comparison
Carrying out research which favours nurture side is overall more useful because it suggests we can change behaviour based on upbringing thus change the way we raise children based on theories: increase desired behaviour etc
What is social sensitivity!
Research that can lead to prejudice or discrimination against an age group, ethnicity, gender, people with certain mental states etc. or cause feelings of upset.
Example = Yerkes research which found Jews had lower average intelligence through army recruit testing
Link = lead to prejudice etc
Question B
Define operant conditioning
Application = be very specific
Question A
Concept = social learning theory
Main principle is that experiences as q child affect how we behave later on thus the situation and culture we are raised in can determine our behaviour
As such psychologists aim to understand how behaviour progresses over a prolonged period of time or by comparing behaviour of children of different ages