Developmental area Flashcards
What does this area focus on?
How early experiences and maturation are a major factor in development of behaviour
There is no single or specific reason for behaviour but focuses on its change through maturation
What is the explanation for behaviour in developmental area?
It varies because it’s focusing on HOW it develops
So methods also vary: MRI scans, cognitive experiments, observations
The 2 classical studies in this area
The 2 contemporary studies in this area
Chaney et al
Lee et al
Strengths of developmental area
Useful applications to education
Attempts to answer nature/nurture
Variety of methods and so collects useful data
Use of longitudinal studies
Weaknesses of developmental area
Research with children raises ethical concerns
Also practical concerns, since they may not be able to tell us/explain behaviour
Constrained in time and culture due to changes in time period and culture changes
Samples often small = unreliable
How does Lee change our understanding of moral development from Kohlberg?
Lee discovered that culture (such as aspects of culture) impacts children’s moral development and reasoning which contradicts Kohlberg’s theory that moral development was universal
Lee researched moral development not in terms of progressing through stages or levels
BUT: nothing to contradict the idea that moral development occurs in stages
And both found changes in moral development as they age
How does Lee change our understanding of moral development from Kohlberg in terms of social diversity?
Lee investigated moral development in girls whereas Kohlberg just sampled boys
Lee investigated younger children (7-11) than Kohlberg (12-28)
How does Chaney change our understanding of external influences on behaviour from Bandura?
Chaney suggests that behaviour can be learnt from positive rewards in operant conditioning than just observation and imitation
Used self report to measure how behaviour changes instead of observation
Chaney investigated medical behaviour can be conditioned rather than just aggressive behaviour
BUT: did not investigate how observation of a role model conditions a behaviour
How does Chaney change our understanding of external influences on behaviour from Bandura in terms of social diversity?
Chaney investigated increasing medical compliance in children with asthma whereas Bandura didn’t aim to investigate anyone with specific medical conditions, assumed to be all ‘typical’
How does Chaney change our understanding of external influences on behaviour from Bandura in terms of social diversity?
Chaney found no significant difference in conditioning behaviour in terms of gender unlike Bandura who found boys were more predisposed to violence
Both investigated similar age range of very young children
How does Chaney change our understanding of external influences on behaviour from Bandura in terms of cultural diversity?
Chaney = Australia
Bandura = USA
But both western English speaking cultures so probs not that different