C1 - LT #1 Hand Tools Flashcards
What is a compass used for?
Compass - To draw circles or arcs
What are marking gauges used for?
Marking gauge - Used to mark boards that have to be planed or cut to width
How to lay out an irregular edge on a sheet of paneling using a scriber?
1) Hold the scriber points level with each other when scribing a plumb surface
2) Hold the points plumb when scribing a level surface
A wheel marking gauge has what advantage over a wooden pin type marking gauge?
Avoids pin chatter
What are two things calipers are used for?
Transferring measurements & transferring sizes
Protector gauge - besides marking angles, what are its other uses?
A guide for the circular saw
Why should marking tools be stored carefully so that they won’t get damaged?
To not be damaged, staying accurate
Which square can be used as a marking gauge?
A combinations quare
What is a Try square used for?
Try a cut, checking for square and accuracy
What can a speed square be used for?
Square, marking rafter cuts, finding angles
Purpose of a Butt Chisel?
Chiselling out hinge gains, in a wooden door or door jamb
Typ. 2.5 inch - 3.25 inch long and .25 inch to 2 inch wide.
What is the main safety concern when using a chisel?
Cutting or puncturing one’s own skin from being too dull
5 Maintenance procedures for a chisel
1) Sharpen when dull or nicked
2) Protect cutting edges of chisels when not in use
3) Keep handles in good condition, replace them when needed
4) When you lay a chisel on a workbench, place bevel Downard
5) Keeping a light coating of oil on the metal surface to prevent rusting
What is the difference between a socket chisel and a tang chisel?
1) Tang chisel has a long point that fits into the center of the handle 2) while a socket chisel has a socket at one end of a handle
What is the difference between a bench chisel and a framing chisel?
1) Bench chisel is light, or medium-duty and used for find woodworking.
2) Framing chisel is heavier-duty, has a longer blade and is designed for timber framing and ship deck work
What are gouges used for?
Gouging out grooves or concave shapes, create rounded corner mortises for butt hinges
List the four coarsenesses for files
1) Smooth
2) Second
3) Bastard
4) Coarse
What coarse would a sandpaper be if its grit number was 50?
What is the most common sandpaper abrasive?
Aluminum oxide
What are the two sandpaper abrasive types commonly used for belt sanders? Which is harder and more costly?
Ceramic and aluminum oxide, Ceramic being more expensive.