Biomechanics *Gait/Balance/Posture* Flashcards
What is Step Depth?
The distance between successive heel contacts of the two different feet
What is Stride length?
The distance between two successive heel contacts of the same foot
What is Step Width?
The lateral distance between the heel centers of two consecutive foot contacts and is on average around 8-10 cm
What is Foot Angle?
The amount of “Toe-Out”, is the angle between the line of progression of the body and the long axis of the foot
What is normal walking speed?
1.37 m/sec (3 mph)
What is normal step rate?
1.87 steps/sec (110 steps/min)
What is normal step length?
72 cm (28in)
What are the two major systems in gait?
Traditional vs. Rancho Los Amigos (RLA)
Unless noted otherwise, which leg starts the gait cycle?
The gait cycle begins at Right heel strike (initial contact) and ends with the next R heel strike (Initial contact)
Why is the RLA system preferred in research then the traditional?
The phases of gait (Except for initial contact) are durations of time, not points in time
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Heel Strike (Initial Contact) phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Heel Strike to Foot Flat (Loading Response) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
0 - 10%
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Foot Flat to Midstance (Midstance) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
10 - 30%
What is the Percent of Cycle in Midstance to Heel Off (Terminal Stance) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
30 - 50%
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Heel Off to Toe Off (Pre-Swing) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
50 - 60%
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Early Swing (Initial Swing) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
60 - 75%
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Midswing Phase?
75 - 85%
What is the Percent of Cycle in the Late Swing (Terminal Swing) Phase?
In the () is RLA, outside is Traditional
85 - 100%
What is the kinematic analysis for the hip? (In terms of Hip joint motion in degrees and phases of gait)
- In Initial contact the hip is flexed (0% gait cycle)
- The hip extends from 10-50% gait cycle (heel off)
- Flexes from 50-85% gait cycle
- Stays flexed from 85-100% gait cycle
What is the kinematic analysis for the Knee? (In terms of Knee joint motion in degrees and phases of gait)
- Knee is extended in Initial contact
- Knee flexes till 15% of gait cycle
- Extends till 40% of gait cycle
- Flexes till 75% of gait cycle
- Extends till 0% of gait cycle
What is the kinematic analysis for the ankle? (In terms of ankle joint motion in degrees and phases of gait)
- Neutral at 0% gait cycle
- Plan. Flexed till 10% gait cycle
- Dorsi. Flexed till 50% gait cycle
- Plan. Flexed till 65% gait cycle
- Dorsi. Flexed till 80% gait cycle
How do the does muscle activity work by group?
- Concentric contractions generate power
- Eccentric contractions absorb power
When are the Hip Extensors activated in gait?
- Concentric in early stance (Hip extension) for propulsion (0-50%, then 85-100%)
- Slight eccentric activation at terminal swing for deceleration (50-85%)
When are the Hip Flexors activated in gait?
- Firstly, Eccentric control of hip extension, after midstance (0-50%, then 85-100%)
- Then Concentric to flex hip at toe off (50-85%)
- Concentric during first half of swing
When are the Hip Abductors activated in gait?
- Eccentric on Initial contact to decelerate lower pelvis (BW) on same side (0-15%)
- Then concentric to move BW up and help extend hip. Remains active for first 40% cycle to control pelvis.
(15-65%) - 65-100% eccentric
When are the Hip Adductors activated in gait?
- Hip adductors stabilize hip through co-contraction with abductors
- May assist with hip extension at beginning of cycle, and with flexion after toe off
0-15%, then 65-100% Concentric
15-65% Eccentric
When are the Knee Extensors activated in gait?
- Upon contact, eccentric to control slight degree of knee flexion in the first 10% (~0-10%)(Then eccentric ~40-85%)
- Then concentric to extend knee to midstance (~10-40%)
- Finally concentric to flex hip at toe off (~85-95%)
When are the Knee Flexors activated in gait?
- Concentric in early stance (Hip extension)
- May assist with knee flexion in swing (Keep leg up, early swing phase)
- Eccentric at the knee in preparation for heel contact
(Terminal Swing Phase)
Concentric at (0-15%, then 40-80%)
Eccentric at (15-40%, then 80-100%)
When are the Plantar Flexors activated in gait?
- Active during most of stance except for first 10%
- From 10% to heel off, eccentric control of Dors. Flexors
- Concentric at push off (Between heel off and toe off)
Concentric at (0-10%, then 45-65%, then again at 85-95%)
Eccentric at (10-45%, then 65-85%, then again at 95- 100%)
When are the Dorsi Flexors activated during gait?
- Strong eccentric at heel contact to avoid “Foot slap”
- From heel contact to foot flat, eccentric deceleration of foot pronation
- Concentric in swing to clear foot from ground
In gait, if there is an impairment of the ankle plantar flexion contracture, what would be the compensation?
- Knee hyperextension (mid-stance)(Ipsilateral side) : Forward trunk lean (terminal stance)