Bio Exam 3 Class 2 (Protists) Flashcards
what is primary endosymbiosis?
when an anceient protist engulfed a cynobacteria
what is secodary endosymbiosis
when a protist engulfs a protist that already had a chloroplast
endosymbiosis does not account for the origin of..
the nucleus
how did the er and nuclear membrane form?
the outer membrane infolded inward and made the ER and made the nucleus
what is the evidence for the nuclear membrane infolding to form the nucleus?
NM and ER are continuous
what did the infoldings of the nucleus do?
it separated transcription and translation (better allows for gene enscription
many but not all protists have elaborate
cells walls and shells
amoeboid protists (unicellular) lack
elaborate cell walls
what was the greatest innovation for protists?
what did multicellularity allow cells to do?
specialize for different functions, and increase in size
what is another major innovation in protists
the development of sexual reproduction
what are the advantages for asexual reproduction?
- you know what you are going to get
- can reproduce faster
- “cheaper”
- dont waste time looking for a mate
what are advantages about sexual reproduction
- swapping genes allows for variable phenotypes
- less susceptible to pathogens
- variability allows for a higher chance of success
- fewer clones to compete for resources (less offspring)
protists can either reproduce asexually through… or sexually though…
mitosis,,, meiosis
protists can be predominately… or …..
haploid or diploid
what is the alternation of generations
includes haploid and diploid phases
why do we study protists?
medical importance
ecological importance
critical for understanding the evolution of plants, animals, and fungi by analyzing morphological innovations
what are some of the medical impacts of protists
- some protists cause disease (irish potato famine) (malaria)
what is plasmodium?
infects the liver and blood cells where it is picked up by mosquitos, produces, and infects others
protists make up only …% of names euks
the abundance of protists are very
what are some ecological impacts of protists?
- primary producers (phytoplankton)
- they make up the base part of the aquatic food chain
-consumers and decomposers
what is an example of amoebozoa>
slime molds
what is the habitat of a slime mold?
wet forest
what is an example of an excavata?
euglenids,, freshwater habitat,, single celled,, lack mitoch.,, have choloroplasts,, asexual
what is an example of a plantae?
algae,, ocean and hot spring habitat, multicell and alternation of generations
what is an example of a rhizaria?
actinopods, ovean habitats, feed by phagocytosis, reporduce asexually by mitosis
what is an example of an alveolata?
apicomplexans,, parasitic habitat, unicellular and responsible for many diseases
what is an example of stramenopila?
diatoms,, ocean and freshwater habitat, unicellular have chloros,
brown algae, ocean habitat, chloros, alternation of gen,, secondary endosymb.
example of opistokonta
(closest relative to animals)