B7.3/B7.4/B7.5 - smoking + alcohol on cancer Flashcards
addictive found in tobacco
-produces calming sensation
carbon monoxide
-poisonous gas
-pushes out oxygen
-causes breathlessness
carbon monoxide in pregnancy
- lack of oxygen = causes fetus to not grow properly
-premature births
-low birthweight
-still births
carcinogens in smoking
-paralyses cilia in trachea/brnchi
-sticky black substances
-turn lungs from pink to grey
-break down of alveoli = cronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) reduces sa:v ratio
paralysis of cilia in lungs
-cannot waft mucus (filled with pathogens) away from lungs
smoking impact on heart
-narrows blood vessels in skin = ages
-nicotine increases heart rate
-damage lining of arteries
-increases clot formation
-increases blood pressure = strokes / heart attacks
-excess stored as fat
-cushions internal organ/ energy store
-causes obesity/diabetes/heart disease
how exercise keeps you healthy
-food transfer energy for respiration
-muscle tissue needs energy more than body fat
-more muscle tissue = increases metabolic rate = fit
Type 2 diabetes
-not enough insulin to regulate blood sugars
-or cells stop reacting to insulin
Type 2 diabetes: impacts
-circulation problems
-kidney dysfunction
-eyesight issues
-addictive + poisonous
-affects brain and nervous system
-slows reactions/thought processes
-destroys liver tissue
-active liver cells are replaced by scar tissue
-prevents vital function
-increased risk of liver cancer
-brain becomes soft/pulpy
Alcohol during pregnancy
-passes through placenta into fetus
-causes: miscarriage, stillbirths, premature births, low birth weight
-baby’s liver cannot handle alcohol so = brain damage
Fetal alcohol syndrome
-facial deformities
-problems with teeth/jaw/kidneys/liver/hearing/heart
Ionising radiation
-in form of electromagnetic waves
-carcinogen: eg radioactive material
How does ionising radiation cause cancer
-radiation penetrates cells
-damages DNA = mutations
Examples of ionising radiation
-UV light (sun)
-radioactive materials in soil/water/air
-x rays
-nuclear power generator accidents