B6.1/B6.2/B6.3 - Vaccinations and medicines of the past Flashcards
memory cells
-remember the specific antibody used to fight specific pathogen
-so when you body come in contact with the same pathogen
-these memory ells can make antibodies quickly before you get sick
made of dead/inactive pathogen
-stimulates body’s immune system to invaders
-helps build immunity through memory cells
herd immunity
a large proportion of the population is immune to the disease
-spread of pathogen is reduced
relieve symptoms
-do not kill infections
eg of painkillers
-cures bacterial diseases
-works inside your body without harming body cells
eg of antibiotics
why can’t antibiotics kill viruses
-viruses reproduce inside you cells and change their DNA
-difficult to find a strong enough drug that will kill virus without harming body cells
antibiotic resistant bacteria
-means that bacterial infections are becoming harder to cure
-not having the same effect as before
extracted from foxgloves
-strengthens heart beat
-extracted from willowbark
How was antibiotics discovered
-Fleming was growing bacteria and left cultures unsealed for a while
-he saw mould growing on cultures
-he saw a ring of clear around the region of some bacteria
-he called the substance that killed that bacteria penicillin
penicillium mould
produced substance that killed bacteria
zone of inhibition
ring of clear around the region of some bacteria
-shows bacteria have been killed there
What did Chain and Florey discover
they extracted penicillin
and gave it to their dying patient who proved it worked
most new drugs are
synthesised by chemists
-but start of being extracted from plants