B15 - Genetics and Evolution theories Flashcards
Mendel and homohybrid inheritance
- mendel carried out breeding experiements on plants
mendel experiment observation
- inheritance of each characteristic is determined by units
- that are passed on unchanged to descendants
-characteristics are inherited in clear patterns
After mendels death
- his work was finally accepted
- chromosomes were seen through a microscope
- behaviour of chromosomes during cell division was seen
Early 20th century - after mendel
- observed that chromosomes and mendel’s units of inheritance behaved similarly
- units of inheritance (genes) were carried in chromosomes
Mid 20th century discoverey
- structure of DNA
-mechanism of gene function
development of gene theory
-genes code for proteins
-gives them their effect
Darwin’s theory
- all species have evolved from the first simple life forms
- longer than 3 bn yrs ago
Lamarch’s theory of evolution
- individual animals adapted to suit their environment
- everything evolved from primitive worms
- change caused by inheritence of acquired characteristics
Lamarch’s belief about features developing
if used often it would develop
-useful changes = passed onto offspring
objections for Lamarch’s theory
- no proof for fountain of life
- people didn’t like the idea of descending from worms
- changes (muscles) weren’t passed down
fountain of life
all living organisms were linked
Charles Darwins: survival of the fittest theory
- individuals in a species show variation for each characteristic
- reproduction = more offspring than environment can support
- organisms with characteristics that are best suited to the environment
- survive and breed = pass down characteristics
Charles Darwin’s theory objections
- challenges beliefs about God
- lack of evidence
- no mechanism to explain variation
Alfred Russel wallace proposed
- natural selection theory too
- best known for warning colouration in animals
where populations become so genetically different that they can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring
natural selection
-alleles that are selected will control characteristics
- helps organism to survive and breed
Process of Speciation:
- part of the population becomes isolated
- alleles that are better adapted to new environment are diff to orginial
- genetic variation increases
-species can no longer interbreed
how does a population become isolated
through geographical/ environmental conditions
- physically isolated
isolated species coping with environmental changes
- species that are adapted to isolated environments
- vulnerable to change and habitat loss
Environmental isolation
- climate changes in 1 area only
environmental isolation eg
- plants flower earlier so breeding times change as well