Applied anatomy of the female reproductive system Flashcards
Two features of ischium need to know? [2]
Ischial tuberosity [1]
Ischial spine [1]
Which structures pass through the obturator foramen? [3]
Obturator artery
Obturator nerve
Obturator vein
Which structures pass to the anterior structures of thigh? [3]
Femoral artery
Femoral nerve
Femoral vein
Sacrospinous and sacrotuberous xx
Which structure forms the posterior border of the lesser sciatic foramen?
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Anterior sacroiliac ligament
Ischial tuberosity
Which structure forms the posterior border of the lesser sciatic foramen?
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Anterior sacroiliac ligament
Ischial tuberosity
Which muscle divides the greater sciatic foramen into superior and inferior components?
Obturator internus
Adductor magnus
Gluteus minimus
Which muscle divides the greater sciatic foramen into superior and inferior components?
Obturator internus
Adductor magnus
Gluteus minimus
Greater sciatic foramen structures? [6]
Piriformis muscle
Gluteal arteries
Gluteal veins
Gluteal nerves
Sciatic nerve
Pudendal nerve
Lesser sciatic foramen structures? [3]
Pudendal nerve
Internal pudendal artery
Internal pudendal vein
Which of the following is sacrotuberous ligament?
Which of the following is sacrotuberous ligament?
Which of the following is piriformis?
Which of the following is piriformis?
Which is the ligament highlighted?
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Anterior sacroiliac ligament
Ischial tuberosity
Which is the ligament highlighted?
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Anterior sacroiliac ligament
Ischial tuberosity
From where in the hip bone does the gluteus medius originate?
Iliac fossa
Anterior aspect of the iliac crest
Greater sciatic notch
External surface of the ileal wing
From where in the hip bone does the gluteus medius originate?
Iliac fossa
Anterior aspect of the iliac crest
Greater sciatic notch
External surface of the ileal wing
The piriformis seperates which neurovascular structures?
Suprapiriform foramen:
* The superior gluteal artery and nerve
Infrapiriform foramen
* Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
* Inferior gluteal vessels and nerves
* Nerve to quadratus femoris
* Pudendal nerve
* Internal pudendal vessels
* Nerve to obturator internus
* Sciatic nerve
Describe the path of the pudendal nerves [2]
Out of greater sciatic foramen
Back into lesser sciatic formaren
Which arteries split from the common iliac arteries and dont stay in the pelvis? [4]
Which arteries split from the common iliac arteries and stay in the pelvis? [3]
* obturator
* femoral
* gluteal
* internal pudendal arteries
* middle rectal artery
* uterine artery
* superior vesicular artery
blood vessels from last year xx
Which muscle lies over sacral plexus?
levator ani
obturator internus
Which muscle lies over sacral plexus?
levator ani
obturator internus
find anatomy slides from last year
External genitalia anchor to which structure in the pelvic region?
Perineal membrane
Bartholin cysts
The [] is a fibromuscular mass which is the site of convergence of perineal and pelvic floor muscles
The perineal body is a fibromuscular mass which is the site of convergence of perineal and pelvic floor muscles
What is an episiotomy?
What are the two types? [2]
Surgical incision of the perineum and posterior vaginal wall
Two types:
Midline episiotomy: Posterior aspect of labia minora (fourchette) along midline
Mediolateral episiotomy” Fourchette diagonally towards midpoint between ischial tuberosity and anus
uterus flashcards
Which is the most common site of fertilisation
Which is the most common site of fertilisation
uterus blood supply xx
Majority of blood supply to the uterus comes from the
vaginal artery
ovarian artery
uterine artery
Majority of blood supply to the uterus comes from the
vaginal artery
ovarian artery
uterine artery
The uterine artery passes over the []. The [] is therefore at risk during [].
The uterine artery passes over the ureter. The ureter is therefore at risk during hysterectomies.
What is the normal position of the uterus? [2]
The normal position of the uterus is anteverted and anteflexed.
What can cause uterine prolapse? [2]
Secondary to pelvic floor and uterine ligament dysfunction
Multifactorial in etiology
Which structure can be inserted to stop uterine prolapse? [1]
Ring Pessary
Label A-C of female ligaments
A: Broad ligament
B: Ovarian ligament
C: Round ligament
What happens to shape of uterus throughout life
What is the change in epithelium at the external os of the cervix?
The upper cervix (endocervix) is lined by a simple columnar epithelium that contains mucous-secreting cells. In contrast, the lower cervix (ectocervix) is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium. The transition point between these two epithelia is known as the external os.
which of the following is the ischial tuboristy?
1 2 3 4 5

which of the following is the ischial tuboristy?
1 2 **3** 4 5

which of the following is the attachment point for the inguinal ligament?
1 2 3 4 5

which of the following is the attachment point for the inguinal ligament? **1** 2 3 4 5

which of the following is the ischial spine
1 2 3 4 5

which of the following is the ischial spine
1 2 3 **4** 5

Which ligament runs from the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity? [1]
Acceptable responses: Sacrotuberous ligament, Sacrotuberous ligaments, Sacrotuberous

Which ligament runs from the sacrum to the ischial spine?
Acceptable responses: Sacrospinous ligament, Sacrospinous ligaments, Sacrospinous

A - greater sciatic foramen
B - sacrospinous ligament
C - sacrotuberous ligament
D - lesser sciatic foramen
Gluteus medius and minimus receive oxygenated blood from which vessel? [1]
Acceptable responses: Superior gluteal, Superior gluteal artery
What bony landmark can be used to locate the pudendal nerve? [1]
Acceptable responses: Ischial spine, The ischial spine, Ischium spine

which muscle is highlighted here? [1]


label A-E

label A-D