Anatomy head and neck Flashcards
what are the branches of the ophthalmic nerve trigeminal V1?
Supraorbital Supratrochlear External Nasal Infratrochlear Lacrimal
what are the branches of the maxillary division trigeminal V2?
what are the branches of the mandibular division trigeminal V3?
What is unique about C1 posterior root?
it is only MOTOR no sensory
where does the cervical plexus carry MOTOR fibers to?
infrahyoid muscles
what cervical roots make up the ansa cervicalis and what muscles does it supply?
C1, C2, C3
what nerve supplies the thyrohyoid?
Hypoglossal nerve- C1 fibers
what is the phrenic nerve sensory supply?
membranes of the thorax and abdomen
what 2 veins make up the external jugular vein?
posterior auricular
what does the external jugular vein drain into?
subclavian vein
what are the boundaries of the posterior triangle in the neck?
A: posterior SCM
P: anterior trap
I: superior middle 3rd of clavicle
what are the boundaries of the anterior triangle in the neck?
S: inferior mandible
A: anterior midline
P: anterior SCM
what are the contents of the submandibular triangle?
submandibular gland internal carotid artery facial artery internal jugular vein CN IX and X
which artery goes to the brain?
Internal carotid artery
what drains the dural venous sinus?
internal jugular vein
why is the carotid triangle important?
the common carotid artery bifurcates here
where does the hyoid bone sit?
between the mandible and larynx
what muscles attach to the hyoid bone?
infrahyoid muscles
which of the infrahyoid muscles are superficial and which are deep?
omohyoid & sternohyoid- superficial
sternothyroid & thyrohyoid- deep
what is a layer of fascia extending from the base of the skull to the root of the neck?
carotid sheath
what are the boundaries for the superior thoracic aperture (thoracic inlet)?
1st thoracic vertebra
1st ribs and cartilages
where does the thyroid gland sit?
what is a branch to the thyroid on the right side that occurs in 10% of people?
thyroid ima artery
where does the trachea begin?
at the larynx C6
what do the walls of the trachea contain that allow for expansion of esophagus when swallowing?
incomplete cartilaginous C rings
where is the esophagus located?
connects the pharynx to the stomach at C6; lies posterior to trachea
what are the branches of the external carotid artery?
Superior thyroid Ascending Pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Superficial temporal- terminal Maxillary- terminal
what is the baroreceptor innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve- carotid branch?
carotid sinus
what is a small mass located in the common carotid artery that acts as a chemoreceptor that detects chemical changes in the blood?
carotid body
what does the internal jugular vein drain into?
brachiocephalic vein
where does the internal jugular vein begin?
begins at the jugular foramen as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus
the recurrent laryngeal supplies all muscles of the larynx except?
cricothyroid which is supplied by external laryngeal branch
what articulates with the temporal bone to form the TMJ joint?
condylar process of mandible
what are the posterior apertures of the nasal cavity which open into the nasopharynx?
what 2 bones together form the hard palate and are also the floor of the nasal cavity?
maxilla and palatine
what bones form the roof of the nasal cavity?
nasal, frontal, cribiform plate of the ethmoid, sphenoid
what does the sphenoid sinus drain into?
sphenoethmoidal recess
what do the posterior ethmoidal cell open into?
superior meatus
what opens into the middle meatus?
frontal sinus
maxillary sinus
middle and anterior ethmoidal cells
what opens into the hiatus semilunaris of the middle meatus?
frontonasal duct
anterior ethmoid cells
maxillary sinus
where does the nasolacrimal duct drain?
inferior meatus
what is the lower 2/3 of the nasal cavity?
respiratory region- air goes through here
what is the superior nasal concha and upper 1/3 of the nasal septum which contains CN I?
olfactory region- air swirls around so we can smell
what is the autonomic innervation of the olfactory region?
pterygopalatine ganglion
what is the primary blood supply to nasal cavity?
sphenopalatine artery
what facilitates drainage of the sinuses?
paranasal sinuses
what opens into the hiatus semilunaris of the middle meatus via the frontonasal duct?
frontal sinus
what is the largest of the paranasal sinuses?
maxillary sinus
what is the only sinus present at birth and most prone to infection?
maxillary sinus
where is the maxillary sinus located?
lateral to the nasal cavity and inferior to the orbit
where is the ethmoid sinus located?
within the ethmoid bone btw the orbit and nasal cavity
contains posterior, middle and anterior ethmoidal cells
where are common areas an infection of the nasal cavity can spread?
nasopharynx: acute pharyngitis
middle ear via the pharyngotympanic tube: otitis media
paranasal sinuses: sinusitis
lacrimal apparatus and conjunctiva via nasolacrimal duct: conjunctivitis
CSF fluid dripping through the nose indicates?
damage to the cribiform plate