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A-Level History
> All crusade stuff > Flashcards
All crusade stuff Flashcards
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A-Level History
(54 decks)
The Crusades Points Test 1 - Background to the First Crusade
The Crusades Points Test 2 - The First Crusade's Course and Impact
The Crusades Points Test 3 - The Establishment of the Crusader States, 1099-1144
The Crusades Points Test 4 - The Second Crusade, Origin, Course and Consequences
The Crusades Points Test 5 - Jihad
The Crusades Points Test 6 - The Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
The Crusades Points Test 7: The Third Crusade
The Crusades Points Test 8: The Fourth Crusade
Stuart Britain Points Test 1 - Financial and Political Disagreements between Crown and Parliament, 1603-1629
Stuart Britain Points Test 2 - Origins of the Civil War
Stuart Britain Points Test 3 - Post-War Divisions between Army and Parliament and failure to secure post-war Settlement, and the Regicide.
Stuart Britain Points Test 4 - The Commonwealth
Stuart Britain Points Test 5- The Protectorate
Stuart Britain Points Test 6 - Charles II's Early Reign, 1660-1674
Stuart Britain Points Test 7 - The Latter Stuart Reign, 1674-1688
Stuart Britain Points Test 8 - The Glorious Revolution and the Reign of William and Mary
All crusade stuff
French Revolution - Points Test 1, Ancien Regime prior to 1789
French Revolution - Points Test 2, The Enlightenment
French Revolution, Points Test 3 - Economic Problems and Royal Finance under the AR
French Revolution, Points Test 4 – The Downfall of the Absolute Monarchy
French Revolution, Points Test 5 – The Downfall of the Ancien Regime
French Revolution, Points Test 6 – The Formation of the Constitutional Monarchy 1789-1791
French Revolution, Points Test 7 – Why did the Constitutional Monarchy Fall?
French Revolution, Points Test 8 - The Terror
French Revolution, Points Test 10 - CoB and Directory
French Revolution, Points Test 11 - Rise of Napoleon
French Revolution, Points Test 12 – Political Change under Napoleon
French Revolution, Points Test 13 – Social and Legal Change under Napoleon
French Revolution, Points Test 14 – Napoleon’s Financial and Economic Policies and Problems
French Revolution, Points Test 15 - The Army and Conquest during the Consulate and Empire
French Revolution, Points Test 16 - The Control of the Grand Empire
French Revolution, Points Test 17 - Challenges to the Empire
French Revolution, Points Test 18 - The Collapse of Empire
Y12 Julio-Claudian/Roman Ancient History, Points Test 1 – The Constitutional Settlements of Augustus, Moral/Social Reform and how far he restored the republic
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 2 – Religious, Artistic and Building Policies under Augustus
Y12 Roman/Julio-Claudians Points Test 3 – Augustus’ Relations with the Orders
Y12 Roman/Julio-Claudians Points Test 4 – Augustus’ Administration in Rome, Italy, the Provinces and his Frontier Policies
Y12 Roman/Julio-Claudians Points Test 5 – The Imperial Household and the Succession under Augustus
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 6 - Tiberius Accession
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 7 - Tiberius and Opposition
Y12 Roman/Julio-Claudians Points Test 8 – Tiberius Religion Orders and Succession
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 9 - Caligula/Gaius
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 10 - Claudius Accession
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 11 Claudius FP and Britain
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 12 Claudius Administration
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 13 Claudius Relations with Orders
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 14 Women and Freedmen of Claudius' Imperial Household
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 15 Claudius Death and Succession
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 16 Nero Accession and Early Reign
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 17 Imperial Women in Court of Nero5 Claudius Death and Succession
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 18 Pisonian Conspiracy FP Administration
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 19 Religion Administration Order Relations
Y12 Ancient History Roman/Julio-Claudian Points Test 20 Death and Legacy of Nero JC Dynasty