A&P 3.3 heart conduction and heart disorders Flashcards
Authorhythmic Fibers
Specialized cardiac muscle fibers that are SELF EXCITABLE (continue to beat even when removed from the body)
Pacemaker=SA Nodes
(Sinoatrial)=sets the rhythm- The SA node sets the rate at 100/min and is adjusted by other systems to about 75/min.
AV (Atrioventricular) node
AV (Atrioventricular) node if SA node went out is 40-60 bpm
If both nodes are damaged
other fibers 20-35 bpm, blood flow to the brain would be inadequate and you would need an artificial pacemaker
Conduction System
path for each cycle to process through the heart
SA (sinoatrial) node
R atrial wall close to superior vena cava
AV (atrioventricular) node
Septum between the 2 atria
AV bundle (bundle of His)-
the only space where the action potential can travel from atria to ventricles
R&L bundle branches
through the interventricular system toward apex
Purkinje Fibers
From apex up to the rest of ventricular myocardium
traveling pressure wave from contraction of the heart
- strongest closest to heart
- can be felt in many artery, near the surface and over a firm area
Normal HR
- adult 70-80bpm
- children 80-100 bpm
- newborn 120-160 bpm
Abnormal HR
Tachycardia > 100 bpm (normal during exercise & stress)
Bradycardia > 60 bpm (normal during sleep & in conditioned athletes)
Cardiac Cycle
- Complete heart beat, or pumping cycle consisting of a contraction (Systole) & relaxation (Diastole) of both atria and ventricles.
- The two atria contract simultaneously, then as the two atria relax the two ventricles contract, then relax
Heart Disorders
Pericarditis Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerosis Hypertension Myocardial Infarction Congestive Heart Failure Angina Pectoris Aneurism CVA
Inflammation of the pericardium (may be caused by many different factors)
Coronary Artery Disease
A leading cause of death in US (many subcategories & can result from various causes, all reduced blood flow to heart)
Hardening of the arteries due to lipid/cholesterol plaque (subcategory of arteriosclerosis) risk factors: smoking, poor diet, high BP
High BP
Myocardial Infarction
Heart attack causes tissue death (muscle of the heart/loss of blood supply causing tissue death) If enough heart muscle tissue is killed then you will die
Congestive Heart Failure
inability of L ventricle to pump blood effectively-not enough blood in the body - R=edema legs L=edema lungs-enlarged heart to increase blood.
Angina Pectoris
Severe chest pain, occurs when myocardial is deprived of enough O2
when a section of an artery becomes abnormally widened due to weakening of wall
Cerebrovascular accident Ischemia of the brain tissue due to either an embolism or ruptured aneurism (cardiovascular rather than heart disease)
Adductor Magnus
O: Inferior Ramus of Pubis Ischium to Ischial Tuberosity I: Linea Aspera of femur A: Adduction & medial rotation of thigh Anterior: Flexion of thigh Posterior: Extension of thigh
Transverse Abdominus
O: Upper portion of inguinal ligament Iliac crest thoracolumbar aponeurosis lower 6 ribs & costal cartilage I: linea alba A: compress the abdominal contents (in breathing, coughing, hiccuping, bearing down to defecate)