Blood, lymph, and immune systems suffixes and prefixes Flashcards
blood condition
anemia is a condition characterized by a reduction in the number of red blood cells or a deficiency in their hemoglobin
embryonic cell
hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in RBCs that transports oxygen and gives blood its red color.
autograft: self transplantation
abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
leukocytosis: abnormal increase in white blood cells
decrease, deficiency
attraction for
carrying, transmission
electrophoresis: carrying an electric chare
anaphylaxis: against protection
anaphylaxis is an exaggerated, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen. It is treated as a medical emergency
formation, production
standing still.
hemostasis is the control or arrest of bleeding, commonly using chemical agents
other, differing from the normal
allograft: transplantation differing from the normal; also called homograft. an allograft is a transplant between two individuals who are not identical twins but are genetically compatible.
unequal, dissimilar
anisocytosis: abnormal increase in cells that are unequal
anisocytosis generally refers to red blood cells that vary in size from normal (normocytic) to abnormally large (macrocytic) or abnormally small (microcytic)
same, equal