7.Lord Cornwallis and permanent settlement Flashcards
Who is known as the Father of Civil Services in India?
Lord Cornwallis is known as the Father of Civil Services in India.
What did Lord Cornwallis bring in terms of the Civil Service Code?
Lord Cornwallis brought in the Civil Service Code.
According to the Civil Service Code, who was responsible for general administration and revenue collection?
According to the Civil Service Code, the District Collector was responsible for general administration and revenue collection.
Who was responsible for the maintenance of law and order according to the Civil Service Code?
According to the Civil Service Code, the Superintendent of Police was responsible for the maintenance of law and order.
What was the responsibility of the District Judge according to the Civil Service Code?
According to the Civil Service Code, the District Judge was to look into the matter of judgments in civil court.
What were the three Land Revenue Systems prevalent during the British rule in India?
The three Land Revenue Systems prevalent during the British rule in India were the Zamindari System, the Mahalwari System, and the Ryotwari System.
Which Land Revenue System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis?
The Zamindari System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis.
What is the Zamindari System?
The Zamindari System was a land revenue system prevalent in British India, in which Zamindars were recognized as the permanent owners of the land.
Why is the Zamindari System called the permanent settlement system?
The Zamindari System is called the permanent settlement system because of the permanent nature of the revenue system.
Who instituted the Zamindari System and when?
Lord Cornwallis instituted the Zamindari System through the Permanent Settlement Act in 1793.
What was the revenue sharing arrangement between the East India Company and the Zamindars under the Zamindari System?
Under the Zamindari System, ten of the eleven shares of the rent, or the total amount the zamindar collected, belonged to the East India Company, and just one of the eleven shares belonged to the zamindar.
What was the state demand and zamindar’s share under the Permanent Settlement?
Under the Permanent Settlement, the state demand was set at 89% of the rent, and the zamindar was to keep 11%.
Why was the Permanent Settlement sometimes referred to as the “Sunset Law”?
The Permanent Settlement was sometimes referred to as the “Sunset Law” since the state demand could not be raised, but payment had to be made by the due date, before sunset.
In which regions was the Zamindari System prevalent in British India?
The Zamindari System was prevalent in West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, UP, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
What were the responsibilities of the Zamindars under the permanent land revenue settlement?
According to the permanent land revenue settlement, the Zamindars not only acted as an intermediary to collect revenue from farmers but also responsible for the internal affairs of their area.
What was the impact of the Zamindari System on agriculture in India?
The Zamindari System gave rise to Absentee landlordism, resulting in no investment and no improvement in agriculture.
Who devised the Ryotwari System and where was it introduced?
The Ryotwari System was devised by Alexander Read and Thomas Munro and was introduced in the southern territories of British India.
Who was Thomas Munro, and what was his contribution to the Ryotwari System?
Thomas Munro was the governor of Madras from 1819-26 and contributed to the development of the Ryotwari System in British India.
What was the main difference between the Zamindari System and the Ryotwari System?
The main difference between the Zamindari System and the Ryotwari System was that under the Ryotwari System, the Ryot, or the individual cultivator, became the owner of the land, whereas under the Zamindari System, the Zamindar was recognized as the permanent owner of the land.
Why did individual cultivators turn into laborers under the Ryotwari System?
Individual cultivators started to turn down into laborers because of the private money lenders.
How was the land revenue collected under the Ryotwari System?
Under the Ryotwari System, the land revenue was paid by the farmers directly to the state, eliminating intermediaries.
What were the rights of the Ryot or the Individual cultivator under the Ryotwari System?
Under the Ryotwari System, the Ryot or the individual cultivator had full rights regarding sale, transfer, and leasing of land.
In which regions was the Ryotwari System prevalent in British India?
The Ryotwari System was prevalent in Bombay, Tamil Nadu, Berar, Coorg, and Assam.
What was the main advantage of the Ryotwari System?
The main advantage of the Ryotwari System was the elimination of middlemen who often oppressed the farmer.
Who devised the Mahalwari System and in which year?
Holt McKenzie devised the Mahalwari System in 1822.
What is the Mahalwari System?
The Mahalwari System was a land revenue system devised by Holt McKenzie that combined elements of the Zamindari and Ryotwari systems.
What was the periodic revision of land revenue in the Mahalwari System?
The Mahalwari System had periodic revision of land revenue.
Who was appointed to collect revenue from the village in the Mahalwari System?
Village headmen were appointed in the Mahalwari System to collect revenue from the village.
What is a Mahal in the Mahalwari System?
A Mahal is the smallest unit of revenue collection in the Mahalwari System, and one unit is equal to one Mahal.
Who was the owner of the land in the Mahalwari System?
In the Mahalwari System, the farmer was the owner of the land.
In which regions was the Mahalwari System prevalent?
The Mahalwari System was prevalent in Agra, Awadh, Gangetic valley, and Punjab.