17.Socio-Religious Movement-II Flashcards
Who was Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar?
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a Bengali Sanskrit scholar, educator, social reformer, author, and philanthropist.
What is the significance of “Barnaparichay”?
“Barnaparichay” is a Bengali primer written by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. It is considered the most influential primer in Bengal and provides elementary knowledge of Bengali alphabets.
What contributions did Vidyasagar make to improve the status of women in India?
Vidyasagar’s research into ancient texts led him to advocate for women’s rights. He played a key role in the passage of the Widow Remarriage Act in 1856, fought against the practice of child marriage, and established the Bethune School to promote women’s education.
What social custom did Vidyasagar fight against?
Vidyasagar fought against the prevalent social custom of Kulin Brahmin, which involved polygamy. He opposed this practice and its negative impact on society.
What were some of Vidyasagar’s publications?
Vidyasagar published several publications, including Tattavabodhini Patrika, Hindu Patriot, and Som Prakash.
When did Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar live?
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar lived from 1820 to 1891.
Who founded the Theosophical Society?
Madame H. P. Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875.
What was the aim of the Theosophical Society?
The aim of the Theosophical Society was to revive old religions and promote universal brotherhood.
Where was the headquarters of the Theosophical Society established?
The headquarters of the Theosophical Society were established in Adyar, near Madras (now Chennai), India, in 1882.
Who played a significant role in popularizing the Theosophical Society in India?
Annie Besant arrived in India in 1893 and played a significant role in popularizing the Theosophical Society. She aimed to revive Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism.
What was the most successful educational venture of the Theosophical Society?
The Central Hindu College in Varanasi, which opened in 1898, was the most successful educational venture of the Theosophical Society.
When was the Theosophical Society of India established?
The Theosophical Society was established in 1875 in New York, but its headquarters in India were established in 1882.
What led to a sense of loss of esteem among India’s educated and elite Muslims?
The transfer of power from the Mughals to the British led to a sense of loss of esteem among India’s educated and elite Muslims.
What language replaced Persian as the language of employment and advancement in the new bureaucracy?
English replaced Persian as the language of employment and advancement in the new bureaucracy.
Who was the founder of the Faraizi Movement?
Haji Shariatullah of Faridpur was the founder of the Faraizi Movement.
What were the main objectives of the Faraizi Movement?
The main objectives of the Faraizi Movement were profound theological, social, and political transformations, as well as driving the English out of Bengal.
Who organized the supporters of the Faraizi Movement?
Haji Shariatullah and his son Muhsin Uddin Ahmad, also known as Dudu Miyan, organized the supporters of the Faraizi Movement.
In which areas was the Faraizi Movement well accepted?
The Faraizi Movement was well accepted in Dhaka, Faridpur, Barisal, Mymensingh, and Comilla districts.
What term was used for the leader of the Faraizi Movement?
The leader of the Faraizi Movement was referred to as Ustad, or teacher.
What was the primary goal of the Faraizi Movement?
The primary goal of the Faraizi Movement was religious purification and the elimination of un-Islamic activities.
Where did the Faraizi Movement originate?
The Faraizi Movement originated in rural East Bengal, with Faridpur serving as its epicenter.
What terminology was used for someone who has been admitted into the Faraizi fold?
Someone who has been admitted into the Faraizi fold was called a Tawbar Muslim or Mumin.
When was the Faraizi Movement founded?
The Faraizi Movement was founded in 1819.
What did the Faraizi Movement do to preserve tenants’ rights?
The Faraizi Movement played a significant role in preserving tenants’ rights.
What inspired the Wahabi Movement?
The teachings of Abdul Wahab of Arabia and the preachings of Shah Walliullah inspired the Wahabi Movement.
Who was the first Indian Muslim leader to organize Muslims around the ideals of the Wahabi Movement?
Shah Walliullah was the first Indian Muslim leader to organize Muslims around the ideals of the Wahabi Movement.
What were the two-fold ideals of the Wahabi Movement?
The two-fold ideals of the Wahabi Movement were the desirability of harmony among the four schools of Muslim jurisprudence and the recognition of the role of individual conscience in religion.
Who further popularized the teachings of Shah Walliullah?
Shah Abdul Aziz and Syed Ahmad Barelvi further popularized the teachings of Shah Walliullah.
What was the aim of the Wahabi Movement regarding Muslim society?
The aim of the Wahabi Movement was to eliminate un-Islamic practices that had crept into Muslim society.
What kind of society did Syed Ahmad Barelvi call for?
Syed Ahmad Barelvi called for a return to the kind of society that had existed in the Arabia of the Prophet’s time.
Initially, who was the Wahabi Movement directed against?
Initially, the Wahabi Movement was directed against the Sikhs in Punjab.
When did the Wahabi Movement start targeting the British?
After the British annexation of Punjab in 1849, the Wahabi Movement started targeting the British.
What role did the Wahabis play during the 1857 Revolt?
The Wahabis played an important role in spreading anti-British feelings during the 1857 Revolt.
What led to the decline of the Wahabi Movement?
The Wahabi Movement declined in the face of British military might in the 1870s.
What was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s profession before retirement?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a loyalist member of the judicial service of the British government.
What was the aim of the Aligarh Movement?
The aim of the Aligarh Movement was to reconcile western scientific education with the teachings of the Quran.
Which book written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan analyzed the reasons for the 1857 revolt?
“Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind” (Reasons for the India Revolt of 1857) was written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
What were some of the reasons mentioned by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan for the 1857 revolt?
Some of the reasons mentioned were aggressive British expansion and ignorance of local customs by the British.
What did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan emphasize regarding religion?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan emphasized that religion should be adaptable with time and advocated a critical approach and freedom of thought.
What educational initiatives did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan undertake?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan opened schools, got books translated into Urdu, and started the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College (later the Aligarh Muslim University).
How did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan advocate for the improvement of women’s position?
He advocated better education for women, opposed purdah and polygamy, advocated easy divorce, and condemned the system of piri-muridi.
What did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan believe in regarding religions?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan believed in the fundamental underlying unity of religions or “practical morality” and preached the basic commonality of Hindu and Muslim interests.
Why did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan oppose political activity by Muslims at that time?
He believed that active participation in politics would invite hostility from the government towards the Muslim masses and felt that Muslims should first concentrate on education and jobs.
How didvHow did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s views on Hindu-Muslim interests change over time? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s views on Hindu-Muslim interests change over time?
In later years, he started propagating divergence of interests between Hindus and Muslims, allowing himself to be used by the colonial government in its policy of divide and rule.
What were the twin objectives of the Deoband Movement?
The twin objectives of the Deoband Movement were to propagate pure teachings of the Quran and Hadis among Muslims and to keep alive the spirit of jihad against foreign rulers.
When and where was the Deoband Movement initiated?
The Deoband Movement was begun at the Darul Uloom, Deoband, in Saharanpur district (United Provinces) in 1866.
Who were the founders of the Deoband Movement?
The founders of the Deoband Movement were Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi.
How did the objectives of the Deoband Movement differ from those of the Aligarh Movement?
The Deoband Movement aimed at the moral and religious regeneration of the Muslim community, in contrast to the Aligarh Movement’s focus on the welfare of Muslims through Western education.
What was the focus of the instruction imparted at Deoband?
The instruction imparted at Deoband was in the original Islamic religion.
How did the Deoband school view the Indian National Congress?
The Deoband school welcomed the formation of the Indian National Congress.
What religious decree did the Deoband school issue against Syed Ahmed Khan’s organizations?
In 1888, the Deoband school issued a fatwa (religious decree) against Syed Ahmed Khan’s organizations, the United Patriotic Association and the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental Association.
What was the criticism against the Deoband school’s support for the nationalists?
Some critics attribute Deoband’s support for the nationalists more to its opposition to Syed Ahmed Khan rather than a positive political philosophy.
Who founded the Ahmadiyya Movement?
The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1889.
What principles did the Ahmadiyya Movement uphold?
The Ahmadiyya Movement was based on liberal principles and described itself as the standard-bearer of Mohammedan Renaissance. It promoted the principles of universal religion of all humanity and opposed jihad (sacred war against non-Muslims).
What was the unique belief of the Ahmadiyya community?
The Ahmadiyya community believed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the Messiah who came to end religious wars and bloodshed, and to reinstate morality, peace, and justice.
What was the stance of the Ahmadiyya Movement on the separation of mosque and state?
The Ahmadiyya Movement believed in separating the mosque from the state, as well as promoting human rights and tolerance.
What influence did the Ahmadiyya Movement have on Indian Muslims?
The Ahmadiyya Movement spread Western liberal education among Indian Muslims.
What is one criticism faced by the Ahmadiyya Movement?
The Ahmadiyya Movement, like Bahaism, suffered from mysticism according to some critics.
When did religious reform among the Parsis in Bombay begin?
Religious reform among the Parsis in Bombay began in the middle of the nineteenth century.
What was the name of the religious reform association founded by Nauroji Furdonji, Dadabhai Naoroji, S.S. Bengalee, and others?
The religious reform association founded by them was called Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha, or Religious Reform Association.
What was the purpose of the journal Rast Goftar?
The journal Rast Goftar was founded to promote social and religious reforms among Parsis.
What were some of the areas of reform advocated by the Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha?
The Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha campaigned against religious orthodoxy and initiated the modernization of Parsi social customs concerning the education of girls, marriage, and the social position of women in general.
How did the Parsis become known in terms of social westernization?
Over time, the Parsis became the most socially westernized section of Indian society.
When did socio-religious reform movements among Sikhs begin?
Socio-religious reform movements among Sikhs began at the end of the nineteenth century.
What was the purpose of establishing the Khalsa College in Amritsar?
The Khalsa College was founded in Amritsar in 1892 to promote Gurumukhi, Sikh learning, and Punjabi literature.
What was the main goal of the Akali Movement?
The main goal of the Akali Movement was to improve the management of Gurudwaras (Sikh shrines) that were controlled by priests treating them as private property.
Who spread the Nirankar (formless) concept of God among Sikhs?
Baba Dayal Das spread the Nirankar concept of God among Sikhs.
Who founded the Namdhari movement and what were its key rituals and beliefs?
Baba Ram Singh founded the Namdhari movement, which followed rituals modeled after Guru Gobind Singh’s founding of the Khalsa. They wore the five symbols but carried a stick instead of a sword, abandoned idol worship, practiced strict moral conduct, and prohibited beef consumption.
What were the goals of the Singh Sabha of Amritsar?
The goals of the Singh Sabha of Amritsar were to restore Sikhism to its original purity, publish religious books and periodicals, spread knowledge, promote Punjabi language, encourage Sikh education, and involve Englishmen in Sikh educational programs.
What organization imitated the Amritsar Singh Sabha and aimed for a more democratic approach?
The Lahore Singh Sabha imitated the Amritsar Singh Sabha and aimed for a more democratic approach.