7 World War II Flashcards
What was happening when the move Casablanca was released?
Churchill and Roosevelt were meeting in Casablanca.
Who was controlling the ME&NA in 1939?
What mandates were given after WWI?
France - Syria and Lebanon
Britain - TransJordan, Iraq and Palestine
How did France and Britain treat those territories?
Like colonies.
What did these mandates make Britain?
The largest empire ever. 1/4 of the globe
How secure were Britain and France?
Not as much as 20 years earlier because of uprisings.
Who was uprising under the British?
Egyptians, Iraquis, Berbers, Jews
What did the Berbers win?
A temporary establishment of the Republic of the Rif in northern Morocco.
What was the Great Druze Revolt?
Against the French in Syria between 1925 and 1927.
Who won?
The French.
How long did fighting last in North Africa during WWII?
About 36 months.
When did it start?
Italy’s invasion of British-occupied Egypt in June 1940.
When did it end?
The surrender of 250,000 German and Italian troops in Tunisia in May 1943.
What triggered WWII?
Germany’s invasion of Poland in September1939.
When did Germany invade France?
May 1940.
What did this embolden Mussolini to do?
To declare war against the Allies in June 1940.
What did Vichy France include?
Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia and possibly Lebanon and Syria
What happened 4 days after Italy entered the war?
Britain entered Libya from Egypt.
Why was this worrisome?
The Italian forces in the region outnubered British by 6 to 1 [although they were spread out]
How did the fighting in North Africa go?
Back and forth because each side’s tank could do well in the desert.
What did this do to dupply lines?
It stretched them thin.
How did Arab forces respond?
Britain was so hated in Iraq that they joined with Hitler.
What did they do?
Siezed British military bases in Iraq. But they never fully took them.
What was Operation Exporter?
The Syria-Lebanon campaign of 1941.
What happened?
Britain realized it could not count on Vichy-controlled Syria and Lebanon.
What did Churchill do?
Invaded Syria from Iraq and Palestine.
What did they fear that Germany would do if it controlled Syria?
Use it as a base to invade Egypt.
Who won?
The British.
What was Operation Countenence?
British/Russian invasion of Iran.
Who was the leader of Iran then?
What were his loyalties?
Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Loyal to Germany.
What happened?
Iraq surrenderd.
Oil supply lines to the Soviet Union were secure.
What happened to Reza Shah?
He was forced to abdicate and his son was put on the throne - Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
What was the difference in the impact of WWI and WWII on the region?
Many of the countries in the region were created after WWI but did not become independent until after WWII.
Who replaced Britain and France in the world order?
US and Soviet Union
What did the Arabs do in 1945?
Created the Arab League.
Egypt, Iraq, TransJordan Lebanon, Syria ad Saudi Arabia
How many members are there today?