18 Iran-Iraq War Flashcards
What did Khomeni call for once in power in Iran?
For other Arab countries to overthrow secular governments.
What did Khomeni call Iraq?
The puppet of Satan
He overstated their closeness to America
What percentage of Iran’s population is Shia?
around 90%
What percentage of Iraq’s population was Shia?
Who led Iraq?
A Sunni Muslim
What happened in Iraq after the Iranian Revolution?
There was a Shia uprising in the area where Khomeni had been exiled.
How did the uprising end?
In 1980 with the execution of the Shia Muhammed Baqir al-Sadr and his sister
Meanwhile, where was Saddam Hussein?
He was #2 in the government and forced out his boss.
What was Hussein’s religion?
Sunni, but he ran it as a secular state.
Why did Khomeni bear a gruge against Sadsam Hussein?
Because, it was Hussein as VP who had ordered Khomeni expelled from Iraq.
THe Shah of Iran has pressed him to do this.
Before the 1979 Revolutions, which country had been the US closest ally?
What did Hussein do in Sept 1980 in response to Khomeni’s threats?
He invaded Iran.
What was his goal?
To sieze the Shatt al-Arab waterway
What was the waterway’s importance?
Both countries used it to ship their oil to the Persian Gulf.
This was shy it was called the Gulf War at the time.
What shape was Iran’s army in?
Not good. They had executed many army leaders after the Shah left.
What other problem did they have?
The US had given the Shah many weapons but Iran was now running out of spare parts.
What had Hussein hoped would happen?
That the Sunni minority in Iran would join the Iraq fighters.
Who was favored at the start of the war?
Did Iraq get its swift victory?
What concept did Iran introduce?
Human sacrifice
How did they do this?
They used poorly-armed “troops” and they used people to clear mine fields
DId this work?
Hussein had to retreat and he executed some of his army officers
What prolonged the war?
Khomeni would not geotiate a peace because he wanted Hussein overthrown.
What was the Tanker War?
- Iraq attacked Iranian oil tankers
What was he hoping for?
Iran would give a drastic response such as blocking the Strait of Hormuz
Why would this help?
It would likely bring in the US in Iraq’s favor.
DId the Tanker War work?
No. The economic damage was not enough.
Who did most Arab countries support?
They were worried about Shia uprisings
Who supported Iran?
Lybia and Syria
Who else supported Iran?
Iran bought Israeli arms
How did Israel get involved?
In 1981 they sent fighter planes to attack Iraq’s nuclear reactor.
What did this do?
Destroyed Hussein’s nuclear weapon dream.
Who did the US ultimately back?
Mostly to hinder Iran
What did Kissinger say?
It’s a pity they both can’t lose.
What was Ronald Reagan doing behind Congress’ back?
Violating our arms embargo and shipping arms to Iran
What was this called?
The Iran-Contra Affair
Who were the Contras?
A right-wing US-backed group in Nicaragua (the Sandinistas) trying to overthrow the Marxinst government.
What did this have to do with providing arms to Iran?
We wanted their help in freeing US hostages in Lebanon.
What else was Reagan doing?
Using funds to secretly providing funds to the Contras in Nicaragua.
THe funds were from the sale of weapons to Iran
What was discovered?
That our first arms sales to Iran were in 1981, before there were any hostages.
Who was the highest ranking defendent when charges were filed?
Defense Sec’y Casper Winebarger. He was pardoned before he could be tried.
What happened in 1988?
Iraq was ahead and threatened a full-scale invasion.
What did Iraq attack with?
Poison gas, killing thousands.
What happened in 1988?
An American warship shot down an Iranian commercial flight, killing all.
What did this cause?
The US apologized but Iran thought the US was going to get involved.
What did Khomeni do?
Accept a cease fire.
What were the results of the war?
No territorial gains on either side.
500k-1M dead
Who had helped the Iraqis develop chemical weapons?
US, UK, Germany, Holland and France
What happened to Khomeni?
He died in 1989.
What did Hussein do next
2 years later he invaded Iraq, Sorely miscalculating the response.
What did Iran do?
Rebuilt its infrastructure, and surpassed Iraq’s economy.
Where do Iran and the US stand today?
Mortal enemies.
What is their primary issue?
Nuclear weapons
Today, is the Sunni/Shia difference a part of the MidEast?
Not so much. But it is used to keep rulers in power.
What is Iraq today?
Essentially a “ward” of Iran.
Where does Iran stand?
Powerful. It vies with Saudi Arabia.