13 1967 Arab-Israeli War Flashcards
What caused the 1967 Arab-Israeli War?
An Israeli tractor was near the Syrian border and Syria fired on it. It quickly escalated.
What made matters worse?
Israeli planes flew low over Damascus.
What did this cause Syria to do?
Along with Egypt, they engaged in saber-rattling.
How did Israel respond?
A pre-emptive strike.
How long did the war last?
6 days
In 1967, how many Arab countries recognized Israel?
What happened in 1964?
The Palestinian Liberation Organization was created to represent the displaced Palestinians
What sis Nassar call for?
The final liquidation of Israel.
Who had more soldiers and weapons?
the Arabs
Who supplied arms to Israel?
France and Britain
What had the US contributed?
Defensive weapons to Israel, Egypt and Jordan
How did Nassar make war inevitable?
He ordered UN Peacekeepers to withdraw from the Egypt/Israel border.
Why were the Peacekkepers there?
To hold the peace after the Suez crisis.
What did the UN try next?
To move the Peacekeeping force to the Israeli side. Israel refused.
What did Egypt do next.
Closed the Straights of Tehran to Israeli shipping.
What was the efect on Israel?
It cut off their oil from Iran and other supplies from Asia.
Who was a new player in Israel?
The new Defense Minister Moshe Dayan.
What did the US and Soviets do?
Put pressure on Nassar to not start a war.
What happened?
Israel made a preemptive strike.
What did they attack?
Operation Focus: Eqypt’s air defenses. Then Syria’s and Jordan’s.
What happened next?
Egypt retreated and Israel occupied the Sinai peninsula.
What did they do?
Egypt and Jordan offered a cease fire. Syria a few days later.
What were the results?
Israel took the Sinai and Gaza Strip from Egypt, The West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan Hieights from Syria.
What did Nassar do?
Resigned but was called back.
What was the bigger impact?
Anti-Semitism broke out in the Soviet Union and Arab world.
What did the Soviets do?
Let many Jews emmigrate to Israel and US.
What happened in Arab countries?
Jews were attacked and expelled.
What happened to Arabs in the areas Israel now controlled?
They were expelled.
Where did they go?
Most to Jordan, creating a base for the PLO.
What did the Arabs do after?
The Khartoum Resolution
Khartoum is the capital of Sudan
What are the 3 points of the Resolution?
- No peace with Israel
- No recognition of Israel
- No negotiations with Israel
How did this lead to October 1973?
Israel was getting overconfident.
What did Egypt and Syria do?
Both attacked Israel on Yom Kippur.
What was Operation Nicklegrass?
A US operation to replace lost Israeli equipment.
What did Israel have?
An undeclared stock of nuclear weapons [with help from the French]
They still don’t admit they have them.
How did the 1973 war end?
A UN-brokered agreement.
Who lost their job over the war?
Prime Minister Golda Meir.
What was the biggest result of the war?
Secret negotiations between Israel and Egypt.
What did that lead to?
The Camp David Accords - 1978
What did they agree to?
Israel returned the Sinai.
Egypt recognized Israel.
What happened to Sadat?
He was assassinated in 1981.
What happened after 1973?
Palestinians were abandoned by other Arabs with the shift to oil.
What else happened?
Non-state actors like religious fundamentalists emerged.