4 Egyptian Turk Revolutions Flashcards
How many died in the 1918-20 flu pandemic?
17-100 million
Who was Mark Sykes?
One of the authors of the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916)
What was that agreement?
Britain and France (with Russia and Italy agreement) divided up the Arab lands.
When was this agreement revealed?
1917 during the Russian Bolshevik Revolution.
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
Ended WWI.
What did the Treaty of Lusanne (1923) do?
Ended the revolution on Turkey and resolved the borders.
How long had Britain controlled Egypt?
Since 1882
What are 1882 - 1914 referred to?
The Veiled Protectorate.
Egypt was technically part of the Ottoman Empire but controlled by Britain.
What happened in 1914?
Britain “discarded” the veil and removed the Sultan.
How did Egyptians respond?
They were angry.
How did Britain respond?
They agree not to conscript Egyptians into the war.
Did they do that?
It became a cnter of Britain anti-Ottoman effort.
What did Britain first need from Eqgypt?
Cotton, food at discounted prices.
Then what?
They conscripted for soldiers.
What happened at the end of WWI?
Egypt was left with high inflation and high unemployment.
Why did Egypt want to join the 1919 Paris Peace talks?
To press for independence.
How did Britain respond?
Britain had the leades arrested and exiled to Malta.
How did Egypt respond?
Huge protests.
What else was Britain dealing with?
Unrest in Mesapotamia (Iraq). WWI had made it a British Protectorate.
What did Britain do?
They sent in the Air Force to bobm unruly towns.
What were Britain and France arguing about after WWI?
Syria. France believed it was “theirs.”
Faisal was left in the lurch.
How did the British try to make it up to the Arabs?
The put one of Hussein’d sons in charge of TransJordan and one in charge of Iraq.
Why didn’t this work in Iraq?
It put a Sunni in charge of a Shiah country.