22 Islam and Democracy Flashcards
What are the only 2 countries which are democratic in ME/NA?
Israel and Tunisia are considered flawed democracies
What are democratic movements?
Aspirational efforts by citizens to live in a more representative society.
What is a democratic state?
A country with democratic instuitutions.
What is the theory of “waves of democracy”?
When major countries shift power, new democracies emerge in smaller states.
In the 20th century, when was the first wave?
End of World War i.
What happened?
Ottoman, Russian and Austro-Hungary empires failed.
20 new nations emerged.
When was the Second Wave?
After World War II
What happened?
Italy and Germany became democratic again.
Other new democracies created
India and Pakistan
When was the Third Wave
1970s - 1990s
Spain, Greece, Latin America through USSR
Has there been a Fourth Wave?
Maybe. Arab Spring 2011
Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain
What is usually overlooked in judging democratization?
Women’s suffrage
what was the world like before the First Wave?
People were winning rights.
What about the Arab world?
The Ottoman Sultan and Persian Shah ruled much of it.
Why did that not create new democratic states?
It made Turkey a democracy
What did the League of Nations do with the rest?
Gave Britain and France mandaates over them.
What was Britain given?
Iraq, Jordan and Palestine
What was France given?
Syria and Lebanon
How did Britain and France treat the mandates?
As colonies
In general, what is the difference between WWI and WW2 new states?
The new nations were carved out after WW1.
They did no become independent until after WW2
1950s and 1960s
Were the newly independent states really independent?
Not really. The West colluded with monarchies/dictators because of oil.
But what else was going on?
Freedom movements (liberalism) were emerging.
What is the theory of Arab Exceptionalism?
That Arabs are different from other people because of Islam.
Is this true?
The 5 largest Muslim countries are somewhat democracies.
Indonesia, Pakiston, Nigeria, Bangledesh, India
What are the only 2 states which claim to be Islamically governed?
Iran and Saudi Arabia