4.1 The Vertebral Column Flashcards
no. of bones Cervical vertebrae
7 bones
no. of bones Thoracic vertebrae
12 bones
no. of bones Lumbar vertebrae
5 bones
no. of bones Sacrum
5 fused bones
no. of bones Coccyx
3, 4, or 5 incomplete bones
between adjacent vertebrae
Intervertebral joints or discs
between articular processes
Interarticular joints
between occipital bone and atlas
Atlantooccipital joints
5th lumbar vertebra and sacrum
Lumbosacral joints
sacrum and coccyx
Sacrococcygeal joint
between a rib and a vertebra
Costovertebral joints
tubercle of a rib and a transverse process of vertebra
Costotransverse – joints
between articular processes of the vertebrae
Zygapophyseal joints
True or movable vertebrae
False or fixed vertebrae
Cervical curvature
Lordotic Type
Thoracic curvature
Kyphotic Type
Lumbar curvature
Lordotic Type
Pelvic curvature
Kyphotic Type
is the solid anterior part shaped like a cylinder, with the posterior surface flattened
Body of the vertebra
curved posterior part enclosing an opening
Arch of the vertebra
two short rounded processes that extend posteriorly, one from each lateral margin of the dorsal surface of a vertebral body
two flattened plates of bone, one passing towards the midline from each pedicle
an opening formed by the vertebral arch with its pedicles and laminae, and the posterior surface of the vertebral body
Vertebral foramen
is a tubular passage extending from the foramen magnum of the skull to the lower sacrum
Vertebral canal
is formed by either the upper or lower curved surface of a pedicle
Vertebral notch
is an opening on each side of the arch
Intervertebral foramen
extend laterally from the junction of a pedicle with a lamina on each side
Transverse processes
extend up towards the head from the junction of each pedicle and lamina
Superior articular processes
projects caudally from the junction of each pedicle and lamina
Inferior articular process
extends posteriorly from the dorsal margin of each vertebral arch
Spinous process
- Forked spinous processes
* Foramina transversaria (2)
first cervical vertebrae
- No body
- No spinous process
- 2 lateral masses
- 2 arches – anterior and posterior
second cervical vertebra
a dens or odontoid
other name for dens
7th cervical vertebra
Vertebra prominens
large long spinous process
Vertebra prominens
Costal pits or facet (fovea costalis)
- Large size
- No pits
- No foramina transversaria
- Five fused bodies
- Lateral parts fused
- 2 alae, a base, an apex
- Promontory
- Superior articular processes (2)
- Sacral canal, hiatus, and two cornura
- Sacral foramina – 8 anterior, 8 posterior
- 4 or 3 or 5 incomplete
* 2 cornua
flat articular surfaces of bodies of the adjacent vertebrae from the second cervical vertebra to and including the lumbosacral joints between the 5th lumbar body and the sacum
Intervertebral joints (Cartilaginous joints)
Formed by:
- Articular surfaces of adjacent vertebrae covered by compact bone
- Thin articular cartilages covering the articular surface of each vertebra, compose of hyaline cartilage
Intervertebral joints
flat circular plate lying between the articular cartilages covering each bone, and consisting of: Anulus fibrosus and Nucleus pulposus
Intervertebral disc
an outer pad of fibrous tissue and fibrocartilage
Anulus fibrosus
the pulpy center of a disc in the center of an annulus fibrosus and surrounded by it
Nucleus pulposus
An anterior longitudinal ligament of fibrous tissue extending lengthwise along the anterior surfaces of vertebrae
A posterior longitudinal ligament passes lengthwise between adjacent vertebrae along their posterior surfaces
pass lengthwise between the laminae of adjacent vertebrae
Ligamenta flava
connect adjacent spinous processes
Interspinal ligaments
connects the tips of the spinous processes
Supraspinatus ligament
Articular processes of the adjacent vertebrae on each side
Interarticular joints (zygapophyseal joints) – gliding joints
Occipital condyle of the occipital bone
Atlantooccipital joints – condylar joints
Superior articular surface on the lateral mass on the lateral mass of the atlas on the same side
Atlantooccipital joints – condylar joints
Dens of the axis and a ring formed by the anterior arch of atlas
Median atlantoaxial joint – pivot joint
Inferior articular surface of the lateral mass of the atlas, and the superior articular process of the axis on each side
Lateral atlantoaxial joints – gliding joints
Between the lateral margins of the articular surfaces of lower cervical vertebrae, on each side
Accessory Cervical joints – several
Inferior articular surface of the 5th lumbar vertebra and the superior articular surface of the sacrum
Lumbosacral joint – cartilaginous joint
Inferior articular processes of upper end of sacrum
Interarticular joints – gliding joints
Distal end of sacrum forming a joint with the first segment of the coccyx
Sacrococcygeal joint – cartilaginous joint
Present between the segments of the coccyx
Intercoccygeal joints
The discs disappear in later life and the segments unite
Intercoccygeal joints
2 or more vertebrae may be united with no joint between them
Fusion of vertebrae
right or left of the vertebra may be absent, or one half of the vertebra may fuse with the vertebra above or below it, leaving the other half as a separate bone
the right and left lamina may fail to unite with each other at the medial line posteriorly
Spina bifida
may present between the superior and inferior articular processes of vertebrae at the isthmus were these join
Articular defects
the lower part of the sacrum may fail to develop
Absence of sacrum
the 5th lumbar vertebra may be partly or completely fused with the upper sacrum
Mastoid tip
Gonion (angle of mandible)
C2, C3
Thyroid cartilage
Vertebra prominens
Approximately 5 cm (2 in) above level of sternal notch
Level of manubrial (sternal) notch and superior margin of scapulae
T2, T3
Level of sternal angle
T4, T5
Level of inferior angle of scapulae
Level of xiphoid tip
Costal margin
Level of umbilicus
L3, L4
Level of most superior aspect of iliac crest
Level of anterior superior iliac spine
Level of pubic symphysis and greater trochanters