Nonphotohromogens Flashcards
Group III produces what pigmentation?
Gray to white colony
Most commonly isolated NTM?
Mycobacterium avium and M. intracellulare (MAC)
M. avium and M. intracellulare are referred to as?
M. avium Complex (MAC)
What is the common name for M. intracellulare?
Battery bacillus
Why is it called Battery bacillus?
First isolated in Battery hospital in Georgia
Most common cause of systemic bacterial infection in AIDS patients?
M. avium
What is the disease/Syndrome cause by M. avium
Lady Windermere Syndrome
Associated with chronic diarrhea such as Crohn’s disease
M. avium subspp paratuberculosis
A slow grower that is not grow best at 42 C and frequently isolated in Respiratory specimen?
M. celatum
M. celatum grows best at what temp?
35 C
Associated with disseminated infection of AIDS patients?
M. genavense
Systemic bacterial infection - M. avium
Heat stable Catalase (+)
Urease and Pyrzinamidase (+)
M. genavense
PAtients with Hogkins (lymphoma) disease and AIDS
M. haemophilus
M. haemophilus requires for growth?
Hemoglobin and hemin
What is the characteristics of M. malmoense
Coccobacilli without cross-bands
Chronic pulmonary and Cervical lymphadenitis?
M. malmoense
Also known Radish bacillus (from the earth)
M. terrae complex
Third most common Mycobacteria
M. ulcerans
Disease for M. ulcerans
Buruli ulcers
Microscopical characteristics of M. ulcerans?
Without beading or cross-banding