3.1 Flashcards
What is disorder of sexual development (DSD)?
Infants with a congenital discrepancy between external genitalia, gonadal, and chromosomal sex are classified as having a disorder of sex development
When do bipotential gonads start to form in fetal development?
7 weeks
What gene on the Y chromosome makes balls?
SRY gene
What is the role of Steroidgenic factor 1?
a transcription factor with a role in steroidgenesis, fertility, and male sexual differentiation
What is the role of DAX-1?
upregulated in the ovary; it functions as an anti-testis factor in the ovary
What is the role of WT-1?
a transcription factor involved in both gonadal and renal development
What is the role of WNT-4 in the female?
Wnt-4 gene suppresses male sexual differentiation and ovarian androgen production
What substance produced by sertoli cells in the male inhibits Mullerian duct formation?
Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS)
Which cells produce testosterone?
Leydig cells
What is the role of testosterone in male development?
Wolffian duct and promotes the development of epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicle
In the female, what does the Mullerian duct make?
oviduct, uterus, cervix, and upper vagina
When do the external genetalia form?
9th week
What hormone makes external genitalia in the male?
Decreased penile length may indicate the decreased exposure of what hormone in 2nd or 3rd trimester?
What may persist in the males during development and lead to anorchia (no nuts)?
Mullerian duct
What is hypospadias?
Single opening at the base of the phallus results in an incompletely fused penile urethra
What might cause clitoromegaly in females?
androgen exposure in a 46 XX infant, hyperplasia, or tumor of the clitoris