This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Guck. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

What occurs during the desire lib...,
What occurs during the arousal ex...,
What occurs during the orgasm sta...
6  cards
True or false women and men have ...,
What is the sequence of events to...,
After resolution what happens in men
6  cards
Module 1 Handouts
What are the 5 p s,
To assess the risk of contracting...,
Why is it important to ask about ...
43  cards
Describe the process of spermatog...,
When do spermatogoniums undergo d...,
What things happen during spermat...
14  cards
What are msm,
What does gay mean,
The study from kinsley in 1948 fo...
19  cards
What are 3 reasons why wsw are re...,
How does contraception relate to ...,
What is a lesbian
22  cards
What is transsexualism,
Why is transsexualism now conside...,
What have we learned about sexual...
14  cards
Module 2 Rape Handouts
What is rape trauma syndrome,
What 2 categories does the rape t...,
During disorganization phase of r...
36  cards
Define sexual assault,
What is sexual abuse,
How many boys and girls are sexua...
14  cards
What is the prevalence of sexual ...,
What of women know their attacker,
What of women report to the polic...
14  cards
Module 3 Handouts
What are some changes in female a...,
What are some changes in female o...,
What are some changes in female p...
18  cards
What is disorder of sexual develo...,
When do bipotential gonads start ...,
What gene on the y chromosome mak...
17  cards
What is delayed puberty,
What might cause delayed puberty
2  cards
What is precocious puberty,
What is gonadotropin dependent pr...,
What is gonadotropin independent ...
8  cards
What are the the united states he...,
What of highschoolers have had sex,
What of highschoolers are current...
25  cards
What is petting,
What is oral sex,
What is anal sex
7  cards
What happens to length to orgasm ...,
What happens to erection as one ages,
What happens to vaginas after 60 y o
4  cards
Is the main outflow to the cardio...,
What happens to hr and bp during sex,
What happens for an angina patien...
15  cards
What is a preorgasmic headache,
What is an orgasmic headache,
What is the cause of sexual heada...
6  cards
What are ostomies,
What are some sort term problems ...,
What are some problems in women w...
3  cards
How is erectile dysfunction ed re...,
What are the main factors associa...,
What are the etiologies of ed
9  cards
What are some sexual complication...
1  cards
What is dyspareunia,
How many men have dyspareunia,
What is the etiology of male dysp...
12  cards
What are general sexual problems ...,
What are some anatomical sites in...,
What is dyspareunia
7  cards
What is vulvar pain syndromes,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What causes urogenital atrophy
10  cards
What is female circumcision,
What happens in a type i female c...,
What happens in a type ii female ...
10  cards
Why do people pierce themselves,
Where are some common piercing sites,
What are some risks of impulse pu...
6  cards
What is the choking game,
What happens if you don t release...,
What is autoerotic asphyxia
7  cards
How should you approach to take a...,
What are some risk factors for sti s,
Who should be offered hiv testing
22  cards
What might happen if chlamydial a...,
What might happen if chlamydial a...,
The hep a vaccine is recommended ...
12  cards
What ages are early adolescence,
When is middle adolescence,
24 of girls ages 14 19 have what
14  cards
What is the treatment as preventi...,
Why are acute hiv infected people...,
What does circumcision have to do...
9  cards
What of pregnancies in the us are...,
What of pregnancies in the us are...,
What is the pearl index
20  cards
Talk about rubber latex condoms,
Talk about natural membrane condoms,
Talk about synthetic condoms
6  cards
What is a female condom,
What are the advantages to the fe...,
What are the disadvantages to the...
4  cards
What is fertility,
What is sterility,
What is fecundability
13  cards
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the relationship between ...
7  cards
What is the epidemiology of sexua...,
What of men over the age of 69 lo...,
How might psychological factors p...
6  cards
What is the effect of estrogen on...,
What is the effect of androgens o...,
What are the most common sexual d...
4  cards
What is the neural input for male...,
What is the vascular input for ma...,
What is the hormonal input for ma...
17  cards
Module 4 Handouts
What is the treatment for bv,
What is required to confirm a bv ...,
What is a diagnosis of chancroid
25  cards

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human sexuality

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