2.3 Flashcards
What are 3 reasons why WSW are reluctant to obtain healthcare?
i. Providers lack awareness of their health issues
ii. Providers discriminate against them
iii. Providers create negative experiences.
How does contraception relate to WSW visits to healthcare providers?
They also don’t have to worry about contraception, so they are less exposed to the women’s traditional healthcare
What is a lesbian?
a term of sexual orientation, where women are attracted to women.
What are WSW?
women who have sex with women, describing the behavior/action
What exactly is “sexual orientation?”
erotic attraction and defined whether an individual is attracted to individuals of the same or opposite sex. This includes heterosexual, homosexual and gay
Why is there no “single” approach to LGBT women?
They come from all ethnic groups and socioeconomic classes
Why might some women not want to be labelled as LGBT?
because of cultural, societal or familial biases
What is the main goal when talking about LGBT with an adolescent girl?
biggest thing with adolescent girls is to establish trust and confidence. Remember, as with the LGBT men, there are high levels of suicide from societal and familial rejection
Why do you still have to worry about pregnancies with LGBT adolescent girls?
though they may identify as lesbians, some adolescents have heterosexual sex, which puts them at risk for pregnancy. Regardless if they’re sexually active with girls or boys, they are always at risk for an STD
Is smoking and drinking higher in LGBT women vs straight women?
Yes women (28% of them smoke, where it’s only 12.2% in the general population)
Are straight women or LGBT women at a higher risk for obesity?
LGBT women.
Though LGBT women might address themselves as WSW, what % have been sexually active with men at some point in their lives?
Why might LGBT women have a higher risks for colon, lung, endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease and diabetes than straight women?
They are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, have a high BMI, be nulliparous and have fewer preventive health screenings than heterosexual women
Why are LGBT women at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer?
because they are less likely to be pregnant or use hormonal contraception
Though it’s not technically an STD, why are WSW at a higher risk for bacterial vaginosis?
Sharing of vaginal fluid through direct contact or though sex toys
What preventative measure for cervical cancer can you make for LGBT women, knowing they have a lower rate of screening for it?
HPV vaccination
What mental health issues are higher in WSW?
depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, and self-harm
Though WSW can’t have children with their partners, how might they acquire babies?
from prior heterosexual relationships, the sperm bank, use a surrogate, foster parent, or use adoption
What is the role of the clinician for WSW who want babies?
Address the logistics, safety, effectiveness and family/legal ramifications of the options
What is donor insemination?
A donor donates sperm –> woman uses home kit to measure LH levels to see when she’s gonna ovulate –> take that sperm and squirt it up there herself or by a healthcare providor (typically intrauterine is better)
What is co-maternity?
The egg of 1 partner is sucked out, fertilized in vitro, and then transferred to the uterus of the other partner, who carries the kid till birth
What makes co-maternity more special for WSW?
Both partners can biologically participate in the pregnancy