3-6 Flashcards
We hope that you liked the last episode.
Esperamos que os haya gustado el último episodio. (Haya gustado = present perfect subjunctive. Used when a subjunctive is needed e.g. “espero que..” and the dependent clause is in the past)
I am already waiting for the next (following) installment.
Yo ya estoy esperando la siguiente entrega.
We’re going to talk a little about what we have done since we last saw each other.
Vamos a hablar un poco de lo que hemos hecho desde que nos vimos por última vez.
Enough of the tongue twisters.
Ya basta de trabalenguas.
Enough excuses already.
Basta ya de excusas. (Basta = enough, used to express annoyance)
Let’s get to it.
Vamos a ello.
Mark and I have been talking, and it turns out that the two of us have been in the same place this weekend.
Mark y yo hemos estado hablando, y resulta que es que los dos hemos estado en el mismo sitio este fin de semana. (Present perfect continuous. Not officially recognized. Present perfect used as replacement)
That is why we are going to talk about Edinburgh.
Es por eso que vamos a hablar de Edimburgo.
For different reasons (2 answers)
Por distintas razones/ Por diferentes razones
Tell us what you did this weekend. (Tú)
Cuéntanos qué hiciste este fin de semana.
Mary Poppins, which is playing at the Playhouse Theatre.
Mary Poppins, que están dando en el teatro Playhouse.
But let’s see
Pero a ver
How does the song follow? (How does the song go?)
¿Cómo sigue la canción?
Although it sounds weird and frightening
Aunque suene raro y espantoso
If you say it fluently it will sound harmonious.
Si lo dice con soltura sonará armonioso.
I was at the theater with my family on Friday night.
Yo estuve en el teatro con mi familia el viernes por la noche.
It was designed by a Catalan architect.
Fue diseñado por un arquitecto catalán.
I know there are many people who don’t like it.
Sé que hay muchas personas a quien no les gusta.
We decided to go to Edinburgh on Saturday and had planned to spend the day.
Decidimos ir a Edimburgo el sábado y habíamos planeado pasar el día. (Pluperfect tense. Imperfect tense of haber + the past participle. “I had done something”.)
Yes, incredible (astonishing)! There were lots of people everywhere.
Sí, ¡alucinante! Había muchísima gente por todas partes.
In fact, my boyfriend and I had trouble finding accommodation because everything was full.
De hecho, mi novio y yo tuvimos problemas para encontrar alojamiento porque estaba todo lleno.
That was why: it was because there was a lot of atmosphere (ambience) that we decided to remain to stay overnight and spend Sunday.
Fue por eso: fue porque había mucho ambiente que decidimos quedarnos a pasar la noche y a pasar el domingo. (quedarse a hacer algo = to stay to do something)
We did a bit of sightseeing along the Royal Mile, up and down.
Hicimos un poco de turismo por la “Royal Mile”, arriba y abajo.
Well of my children, the eldest had already been to Edinburgh, but the youngest had never been.
Bueno de mis hijos, el mayor ya había estado en Edimburgo, pero el pequeño nunca había estado.
We went for a walk in the park and, well, we took pictures, and, well… We were relaxing all weekend.
Fuimos a pasear (o, dimos un paseo) por el parque y, bueno, sacamos fotos, y, bueno… Estuvimos relajándonos todo el fin de semana. (Preterite continuous)
Alba had already visited Edinburgh, but for her boyfriend it was the first time.
Alba ya había visitado Edimburgo, pero para su novio era la primera vez.
It is a cave, with an exhibition about the beginnings of life on Earth, for example with dinosaurs, volcanoes, and all that.
Es una cueva, con una exposición sobre los principios de la vida en la Tierra, por ejemplo con los dinosaurios, los volcanes, y todo eso.
So for him, it was even more amazing.
Entonces para él, era aún más alucinante.