3-10 Flashcards
We are going to listen to the second episode and after the episode Mark will explain to us the language that we have been using.
Vamos a escuchar el segundo capítulo y tras el capítulo Mark nos explicará el lenguaje que hemos estado utilizando. (Progressive form of the perfect tense)
They are trying to decide what they are going to do.
Están tratando de decidir lo que van a hacer.
She says hello to Iona and Laura.
Les saluda a Iona y a Laura.
You have to excuse me for last night.
Tenéis que disculparme por lo de anoche.
I didn’t know that my son was going to have a party, and there were so many people, and I really am very sorry.
No sabía que mi hijo iba a dar una fiesta, y había tanta gente, y de verdad que lo siento mucho.
Leaving me the house in a mess!
¡dejándome la casa hecha un desastre!
What a bad first impression!
¡Qué mala primera impresión!
It’s just that I knew Antonio when we were kids.
Es que yo conocía a Antonio cuando éramos niños.
He is going to come in 2 or 3 weeks.
Va a venir dentro de dos o tres semanas
Wait and I’ll call her.
Espera que la llame.
Come here. I want you to meet someone.
Ven aquí. Quiero que conozcas a alguien.
Laura and Estela have spent a lot of time together and now they know each other a little more.
Laura y Estela han pasado mucho tiempo juntas y ahora se conocen un poco más.
Tranquility is over! (Peace and quiet is over!)
¡Se acabó la tranquilidad! (Acabar = to come to an end)
If you knew my brother you wouldn’t say that!
¡Si conocieras a mi hermano no dirías eso!
Almost without an accent.
Casi sin acento. (Note that there is no need for an article here.)
I was wondering if you would want to come?
Me preguntaba si querrías venir. (Preguntarse = to ask oneself/ to wonder) (double r e.g. querría used for future and conditional tense)
I will have to ask my mother.
Tendré que preguntarle a mi madre.
I don’t know if she’s going to let me go.
No sé si va a dejarme ir.
She always worries.
Siempre se preocupa.
How is she getting on with her spanish?
¿Qué tal lleva el español?
Yes, but it’s hard for her to understand people because they (people) always talk very quickly and she doesn’t understand anything.
Sí, pero le cuesta entender a la gente porque siempre habla muy de prisa y ella no se entera de nada. (enterarse de algo = to pick up on, to understand; le cuesta + infinitive = he/she finds it difficult to…)
She doesn’t understand a thing.
Ella no se entera de nada. (enterarse de algo = to pick up on, to understand).
I don’t speak any english.
No hablo nada de inglés
I’m so ashamed to speak it, especially when I hear you speak Spanish!
Tengo tanta vergüenza de hablarlo, sobre todo cuando te oigo hablar castellano!
Well, hey, as for the party, what do you think?
Bueno, oye, en cuanto a la fiesta, ¿qué te parece? (en cuanto… = as far as … is concerned)
How would we go? And how much does it cost?
¿cómo iríamos? y ¿cuánto costaría?
Don’t worry about that.
No te preocupes por eso.
With regards to money.. look, don’t take it the wrong way, but I’m going to propose to you a thing.
Con respecto al dinero… mira, no te lo tomes mal, pero te voy a proponer una cosa.
Do you want me to tell him that you’re interested?
¿Quieres que le diga que te interesa? (More specifically, “that it interests you”)
She wants me to spend as much time as possible speaking Spanish.
Ella quiere que pase el mayor tiempo posible hablando español. (el mayor tiempo posible = as much time as possible)
I’ll definitely speak to my boss tomorrow.
Hablaré con mi jefe mañana mismo. (ahora mismo means “this very minute”, so it gives immediacy. Mañana mismo is the equivalent, but referring to tomorrow. It conveys determination for doing something as requested or expected)
You’re so pretty!
¡qué guapa estás!