2nd Week Flashcards
Feelings of tenderness, fullness, tingling enlargement and darkening of areola.
Breast changes
Absence of menstruation
Sense of having to void more often than usual.
Frequent urination
Color change of the vagina from pink to violet.
Chadwick sign
Softening of the cervix
Goodell sign
Softening of the lower uterine segment
Hegar sign
Characteristic ring is evident
Sonographic evidence of gestational sac
Doppler ultrasound reveals heartbeat.
Fetal heart audible
General feeling of tiredness
Uterus can be palpated over the symphysis pubis.
Uterine enlargement
Fetal movement felt by the patient.
Fetal movement can be palpated through abdomen
Fetal movement felt by the examiner
Periodic uterine tightening occurs
Braxton Hicks contractions
Line of dark pigment forms on the abdomen
Linea Nigra
Dark pigment forms on face
Stretch marks form on abdomen
Sttriae Gravidarum