2nd semester: Vitamins 1, 2 Flashcards
what type of vitamin is less prone to toxicity
WATER- soluble vitamins
this is also called the anti beriberi/ neuritic vitamin
vitamin B1- thiamine
most important co-enzyme form of thiamine
TPP(thiamine pyrophosphate)
basis for quantitative determination of thiamine (B1)
potassium ferricyanide (KFC)
primary connection of thiamine functions
carbohydrate metabolism
husks of rice is abundant in this vitamin
TPP(thiamine pyrophosphate) is the 1st coenzyme of this complex
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
vitamin that has a central role in energy-yielding metabolism
ENZYME most commonly used for measuring thiamine status in the body
transketolase (HMP- shunt)
this form of thiamine is important in the metabolism of nerve tissues
TTP(thiamine triphosphate) (morale vitamin)
may or may not be manifested by heart failure or edema-usually causes neurological symptoms
chronic peripheral neuritis(BERIBERI)
type of beriberi that can kill because it can cause heart failure “fulminating”
shoshin beriberi (Acute pernicious)
thiamine deficiency commonly seen in chronic alcoholics
wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
also called vitamin G or lactoflavin
vitamin B2- Riboflavin
most active coenzyme form of ribolfavin
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions
flavoproteins (B2)
the best flavin requiring enzyme for assaying riboflavin status
gluathione reductase
vitamin that can be synthesized in the body for the essential amino acid trytophan
Vitamin B3- Niacin
needed to convert tryptophan to serotonin
3 Ds of niacin deficiency
dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
a B6 major coenzyme form transported in the plasma
Pyridoxal phosphate
major excretory product of B6
if you dont have B6 and cant form heme which leads to no hemoglobin, its manifested by
microcytic-hypochromic type of anemia
2 vitamins to lower homocysteine level by converting it back to methionine
vitamin B9, B12
known as the everywhere vitamin
B5-pantothenic acid
in its active form, pantothenic acid is a constituent of?
coenzyme A
richest known source of pantothenic acid
royal jelly
also known as the anti-eggwhite injury factor
vitamin B7- BIOTIN
vitamin B7 is abundant where
in egg yolk and the liver
coenzyme form of BIOTIN
this requires biotin as a coenzyme
pyruvate carboxylase
also known as vitamin M and PGA
vitamin B9- folic acid
most abundant form of folic acid in the body
coenzyme form of FOLIC ACID
Tetrahydrifolate polyglutamates
enzyme in the activation of folic acid
folate reductase
N5- formimino THFA is found in what catabolism
Histidine catabolism
known as the anti-pernicious anemia vitamin
vitamin B12- cobalamin
this is a megaloblastic type of anemia
pernicous anemia
coenzyme form of cobalamin
this blocks uptake of vitamin c by white blood cells
very sensitive to oxidation and rapidly destroyed by alkalies
vitamin c
Vitamin C spares what vitamins by protecting them from oxidation
vitamin A,E,B
major function of vitamin C
coenzyme in the formation of tissue collagen or intercellular cement substance
this results from extension hemorrhaging in the bones and joints of the extremities
swelling at the ends of the long bones and at costochondrial junctions
scorbutic rosary
also called the anti-infective vitamin
vitamin A
has the highest vitamin A activity, yields 2 moles of retinol
dryness and roughness of the skin develops in Vit A deficiency is referred to as
toad skin
vitamin A works hand in hand with this vitamin
vitamin E
painful joints, periostal thickening of long bones, loss of hair, headache, weakness, loss of appetite, hepatospenomegaly, serious liver damage may occur is called
known as; anti-rachitic vitamin, or sunshine vitamin
vitamin D2 activates
(plant, vegetable origin)
vitamin D3 is activated
7-dehydrocholesterol; cholecalciferol
animal origin, fish oils
major form of vitamin D in the circulation and major storage form in the liver
25-Hydroxycholecalciferol (CALCIDIOL)
most active form of vitamin D
1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (CALCITIRIOL)
active metabolite of Vitamin D3 formed in the kidneys
vitamin D deficiency in adults, softening and weakening of the bones.
also called rejuvenating vitamin(anti-aging) or Anti-sterility Vitamin
Vitamin E
this is the major lipid-soluble anti oxidant in cell membranes and plasma lipoprotein
vitamin E
also known as coagulation vitamin, or antihemorrhagic vitamin
vitamin K
major form of Vitamin K found in plants
vitamin K1
found in putrid fish meal
Vitamin K2
the parent compound of the vitamin K series (synthetic form of vitamin K)
menadione or Vitamin K3
menaquinones are synthesized by
intestinal bacteria
vitamin K is also important in the synthesis of 2 bone calcium binding proteins, which are
bone matrix Gla protein