2020 Flashcards
List four problems that can occur when instrumenting a tooth with curved roots using only stainless steel ISO handfiles? and give reasons for each of the problems?
- Ledges - internal transportation of the canal due to working short of the working length and due to less flexibility of file
- Perforation - excessive force is applied when using the instrument
- Apical Zipping - due to the tendency of the instrument to straighten in a curved canal
- Blockage of the canal - dentine debris getting packed in the apical portion of the root
Describe the process of canal shaping and cleansing (not obturation) using ProTaper Universal instrumentation of root canals. Assume that straight line access has been achieved and working length has been determined with a size 10 stainless steel hand file. Your apical finishing size should be 0.25mm
- Assuming that dental dam has been placed and EWL determined and straight line access is achieved
- Size 15-K file to enlarge the glide path to facilitate instrumentation
- Use S1 to 2/3 of working length
- Coronal flaring using Sx file to prepare the coronal third to 2/3 of EWL
- Take radiograph to determine CWL
- Use size 10 and 15 K-files for patency to CWL
- Use S1 , S2 , F1 , F2 in order to correct working length to prepare the apical third of the canal using balanced force
- Irrigate with sodium hypochlorite between each file to flush out debris
- After preparation the irrigation potocol is 17% EDTA for 1 minute then 3% of NaOCl for 10 minutes injecting slowly using thumb
With regards to “non-Y2 amalgam”
Give 2 advantages in terms of performance of a non Y2 amalgam?
- less creep
- Higher mechanical strength
- More corrosion resistant
How does the manufacturer reduce Y2 from the structure of amalgam?
Addition of Silver copper particles which reacts with silver tin particles , making tin less available for the y2 production
With regard to zinc free amalgam , why was it necessary for manufacturers to add zinc to amalgam?
Acts as a scavenger molecule which oxidises rather than the other consistuents
What effect could occur in a freshly placed amalgam restoration as a result of the presence of zinc in the amalgam alloy?
- Delayed expansion as a result of contamination with moisture
Explain the mechanism of this effect ( slag formation)
Zinc can react with saliva or blood to form ZnO and produce hydrogen gas
* hydrogen increases pressure which may cause the restoration to rise leading to a higher chance of deformation under occlusal load and cause trauma to pulp
What is the main symptoms that the patient feels when slag forms from zinc in amalgam?
- Pain
A 33-year-old patient presents with a discoloured upper left central incisor tooth. The patient has no caries or restorations of any kind in any teeth and is fit and healthy. The discolouration, first noticed two years ago, has been getting steadily worse. There are no symptoms, and the patient is concerned with the appearance. He recalls a blow to the tooth when playing sport a few years previously.
Determine how you would determine the aetiology of the discolouration?
- Full history of trauma
- Radiographs ( Periapical of 22)
- Sensibility testing of 22 and 21
A 33-year-old patient presents with a discoloured upper left central incisor tooth. The patient has no caries or restorations of any kind in any teeth and is fit and healthy. The discolouration, first noticed two years ago, has been getting steadily worse. There are no symptoms, and the patient is concerned with the appearance. He recalls a blow to the tooth when playing sport a few years previously.
State 3 sequale of dental trauma that may influence your treatment planning for this tooth ?
- Pulp health
- Mobility - excessive, ankylosis
- Root resorption
A 33-year-old patient presents with a discoloured upper left central incisor tooth. The patient has no caries or restorations of any kind in any teeth and is fit and healthy. The discolouration, first noticed two years ago, has been getting steadily worse. There are no symptoms, and the patient is concerned with the appearance. He recalls a blow to the tooth when playing sport a few years previously.
List and describe two restorative procedures you may carry out to improve the aesthetics of this tooth?
- External vital bleaching using hydrogen peroxide which is applied to the tooth after placing dental dam and petroleum jelly on the gingivae to protect it , which can be applied for up to 5 times until desired colour is achieved
- Porcelain veneer - by taking impressions of the tooth with or without preparing it depending on the operator judgement and sending it to the lab for the fabrication of a veneer which is then bonded to the tooth using a composite resin luting cement with silane coupling agent
Describe 2 patterns of bone loss evident in this radiograph?
- Horizontal and vertical
What explains the development of bone loss on the mesial aspect of the lower right second premolar?
- Presence of plaque accumulation (scalloping) in the distal aspect of the tooth , the canal curvature may have acted as a plaque trap
How can interproximal bone defects be classified in general
According the walls involved - 1,2,3 wall defects
Following hygiene phase therapy this patient’s oral hygiene was excellent but pockets of >6mm persisted in the lower right quadrant. Open flap debridement was performed
What feature of this patient’s disease which is on the radiograph is most likely to limit the success of this treatment and why?
Fucration involvement due to bone loss making access for cleaning difficult leading to poor prognosis of tooth
List the best possible outcome clinical and radiographic outcomes for this type of treatment in terms of the healed situation?
- Pocket depths less than 4mm
- Bleeding on probing less than 10%
- Plaque scores less than 15%
Give two other treatment options for managing the lower right second molar ?
- Guided tissue regeneration
- Tunneling - Furcation
A patient comes in with a fractured MCC crown with core fractured inside the crown, patient has no pain and the tooth is not root treated
What 4 features of the remaining tooth tissue of the central incisor might indicate wither it can be successfuly restored or not?
- Quality of tooth tissue remaining
- Amount of tooth tissue remaining (ferrule should be 1.5 in height and width)
- Type of fracture (if the pulp is involved)
- Mobility and health of periodontal tissue
A middle-aged gentleman attended your surgery with the metal ceramic crown from his upper right central incisor in his hand. He has no pain. You notice that the dentine core has fractured off inside the crown. There is no history of previous root canal therapy.
The tooth is restorable , list and describe 3 ways in which the space can be restored in the short term ?
- Rebond Fractured MCC crown using a temporary cement
- Overdenture with a single acrylic tooth- on the remaining tooth structure
- Vacuum formed splint with the fractured MCC crown or with an acrylic tooth crown
- A temporary crown using a prefabricated tooth matrix done chair-side using temporary resin material
A patient has the following missing teeth: 38, 37, 36, 35, 45 and 46. You decide to provide a definitive removable partial denture. The patient has a well maintained mouth with no active disease and you can assume has suitable survey lines.
What supporting components would you use? list the type and surface?
- 34 mesial rest - part of RPI system
- 44 distal rest
- 47 mesial rest
A patient has the following missing teeth: 38, 37, 36, 35, 45 and 46. You decide to provide a definitive removable partial denture. The patient has a well maintained mouth with no active disease and you can assume has suitable survey lines.
List the retentive components that you would use, indicate component name , FDI and position
- 34 - gingivally approaching I-bar clasp with guide plate ( Part of RPI system)
- 44 - Gingivally approaching I-bar clasp
- 47 - Circumferential ring clasp
- 43 - mesial rest for indirect retention
A patient has the following missing teeth: 38, 37, 36, 35, 45 and 46. You decide to provide a definitive removable partial denture. The patient has a well maintained mouth with no active disease and you can assume has suitable survey lines.
Name the major connectors and state the reasons for your choice including the choice of material
- Lingual bar - CoCr - as it can provide good clearance for the patient to clean and is more comfortable in the mouth ( it need 8mm clearance on the lingual aspect)
A patient has the following missing teeth: 38, 37, 36, 35, 45 and 46. You decide to provide a definitive removable partial denture. The patient has a well maintained mouth with no active disease and you can assume has suitable survey lines.
Which feature of your design would provide indirect retention?
cingulum rest on 43
Major connector
The illustration is of an upper edentulous ridge , please identify the anatomical landmarks indicated ?
A - incisive papilla
B - Maxillary tuberosity
C - Palatine fovea