201.00 Sick Leave/Disability Policy Flashcards
Sick time accrual
All full-time members of the sheriffs office a crew sick leave at a rate of eight hours for every full calendar month worked
Maximum sick leave
There is no maximum limit on the amount of sick leave a member may accrue.
Sick leave advance
Sickleave will not be granted in advance of being accrued. If a member has not accrued sufficient, leave credit to cover a period of absence, a deduction for the time involved will be made on the current payroll.
Authorized use of sickleave
A members, personal illness, injury, or exposure to a contagious disease, which would endanger others
Medical, dental, psychological, optical, chiropractic, or employee assistance, program appointment, treatment, or examination of the member/immediate family member when it is not possible to arrange such appointments for off duty hours
Illness or injury in the members immediate family
Timeframe for sickleave notification
Notification of absence due to illness, injury, or any above circumstances, we given to the sheriff and/or the member supervisor, by the member and/or immediate family member as soon as possible, but no later than two hours prior to the members scheduled reporting time.
Sickleave doctor note requirement
If the members absence is five or more consecutive work shifts
Takes excessive sickleave either on separate days or on continuous days in any given time period
Demonstrates a pattern of absenteeism
Calls out sick on a day or days when an annual leave was previously denied
Routinely request to take sickleave as soon as it is accrued
Is frequently absent the day before and/or the day after a scheduled day off and/or holiday
Demonstrates any other use of sickleave that may be deemed by supervision to require verification
Satisfactory sickleave use
No sickleave absences within 12 consecutive months
One to four separate sick leave absence frequencies within 12 consecutive months
Sick leave usage of five or more separate absence frequencies that are due to serious and or unavoidable circumstances and can be verified as such by the member through medical certification for my recognized medical parent practitioner may be considered satisfactory upon review and approval by the department director/division commander/bureau, Commander. Medical certification from a recognized medical practitioner must be provided by to the members supervisor within 10 working days of each respective absence upon returning to work.
Unsatisfactory sick leave use
Five or more separate sick leave absence frequencies within 12 consecutive months, or if the number of sick leave hours taken exceeds the number of hours accrued.
FMLA leave amount
Pursue it to the federal family and medical leave act of 1993, an eligible member will be granted a total of 12 calendar weeks of leave during any 12 month period for FMLA.
Length of full pay status under workers compensation
A member who sustained a job connected disability that is compensable under the workers compensation law shall be carried in a full pay status for a period not to exceed 90 calendar days from the date of injury without being required to use accrued leave credits
Any law-enforcement or corrections officer, while acting within the course of employment who receives an injury/illness while in fresh pursuit, in the apprehension of a violent person, or sustained a serious injury, under extraordinary circumstances, and who their sustain a job connected to disability should be carried in full pay status, rather than being required to use sick, annual, or other leave. The status shall last an additional 275 calendar days after the initial 90 days.