2- Company Officer- Organizational Structure Flashcards
The principle of _________ is commonly used in the fire and emergency services, defined as having an uninterrupted series of steps or a chain of command. Decisions and information are are directed from the top of this organizational structure down through the intermediate levels to the base. Feedback and information, in turn, are transmitted up from the bottom, through the structure, to the top positions.
Scalar Structure
_____ and _____ are terms that refer to an organizational concept that separates fire and emergency services personnel into two distinct groups.
_______ personnel: Those who deliver services to the public or external customers; typical functions include fire suppression, EMS, inspections, education, and investigations.
LINE personnel
**Prevention and inspections fall under line personnel
_______ personnel: Those who provide support to the line personnel and internal or external customers; typical functions are training, logistics, auxiliary organizations, and personnel administration.
STAFF personnel
______ refers to the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable.
What are the two types of decision-making models?
Centralized authority and decentralized authority
______ is a decision making model where decisions are made by one person at the top of the structure. It works well in smaller organizations, such as an individual engine company. In larger organizations, the leader’s span of control may be exceeded unless decision-making authority is delegated.
Centralized Authority
______ is a decision making model where decision-making authority should be delegated to the lowest level possible. Decision-making authority is limited to only those tasks over which personnel have been given authority.
Decentralized Authority
A chief may _____ authority to make certain decisions only in specific areas. For example, a chief may dictate what tasks are to be performed but delegate to the company officer the authority to decide when and in what order the tasks are performed.
______ of authority allows most matters to be handled expeditiously. Making decisions at lower levels in the organization frees upper management personnel to concentrate on other areas of responsibility. The details resulting from a decision do not have to be reported, but the effects of a decision do.
______ is the process of providing subordinates with the authority, direction, and resources needed to complete an assignment. The decision to do so is often difficult.
______ means that each person within an organization reports to one, and only one, designated authority. This depends on the use of the chain of command and functional supervision.
Unity of command
______ is the path of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and vice versa. Although each member reports directly to one immediate supervisor, all members throughout the ______ are still indirectly responsible to the chief.
Chain of command
______ is when a subordinate goes above their immediate supervisor and takes a problem to a higher officer, breaking the chain of command. This can be destructive to organizational unity and cohesiveness.
A subordinate may be justified in bypassing the chain of command (using ________) if there is a mandatory reporting requirement.
Skip level notification
_______ is an organizational principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor. It deviates from unity of command when personnel are assigned by their supervisor or a senior officer to perform duties that fall under the authority of another supervisor.
Functional supervision
Span of control varies with the situation but somewhere between _______ is optimal.
NIMS-ICS model is based on 1:3-7, with an optimum ratio of 1:5
______ consists of dividing large jobs into smaller tasks that are assigned to specific individuals.
Division of labor
______ enables different companies to work together effectively because each company officer understands the capabilities, requirements, and needs of the others. When staffing is limited, this allows personnel to fill various roles and positions as needed.