104.21. Complex events response (week 9) Flashcards
In an atmosphere of increasing threat from internal and external terrorism, it has become necessary that a what be structured and maintained to facility __________ and _______ during incidents.
Law Enforcement - Fire Department interface
Command and control
Complex Events are _________ and, as history has shown, short in “_______ _______” duration.
Active risk
These incidents become extended due to the ________ and _________ phase
Operational and recovery phase
The department of homeland security’s definition of an ________ ________ as an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined, populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and their is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
This is the definition of what?
Active shooter
A law enforcement term used to designate the team of Law Enforcement Officers that make entry with the specific intention of ONLY neutralizing the perpetrator.
This is the definition of what?
Contact team
A law enforcement term that represents an object or location that provides protection from direct gunfire.
what does the acronym of THREAT stand for?
Threat suppression
Hemorrhage control
Rapid extrication
Assessment by medical providers
Transport to definitive care
Any incident where an active shooter is present
Active shooter incident
Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly; most are over within…..
10-15 minutes
Safe locations where FD personnel can receive patients.
Casualty collection point (CCP)
CCP may be _______ or _______ a structure. This may be the same as the __________ ______ if located in the cold zone
Inside or outside
Treatment area
This is defined as any type of incident in which FD personnel may be exposed to harm as a result of a violent or threatening act.
Examples of these types of incidents include, but are not limited to active shooter, terrestrial incident, primary and secondary incendiary devices, gang violence, or radioactive scene/ detonation.
Complex event
The Department of Defense definition of an IED is a device placed or fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary chemicals that is designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract.
It may incorporate military components, but is normally devised from non military components
improvised Explosive Device (IED)
Personnel to assist with suspected or known weapons of mass destruction (WMD) events for decontamination, antidotes, and treatment.
Medical intelligence
Fire department and Law enforcement personnel formed to make entry into a structure for the purpose of triaging patients and providing lifesaving, immediate treatment as needed after the threat has been eliminated.
Rescue task force
Consists of a set number of resources of the same kind and type, which have an established minimum number of personnel with common communication, plus a leader
(An ALS Transport Unit Strike Team would consist of five ALS Transport Unit’s with a leader)
Strike team
Any environment that law enforcement has a tactical objective due to a threat assessment
Tactical environment
Consists of a combination of different units, working together for a specific assignment, with common communications, plus a leader
(May be 2 ALS transport units, 2 BLS transport units, and 1 suppression unit including common communications, plus a leader)
Task Force
Direct threat care or care under fire- this zone shall be designated at the area of the structure that has not been clearly by Law Enforcement or the area where the perpetrator is located.
Hot Zone
Indirect threat care or tactical field care- this zone shall be designated at any area of the active shooter incident that has been declared available for entry by Fire Department personnel with armed LE coverage to perform immediate lifesaving treatment and triage.
Warm Zone
Evacuation care or tactical evacuation care - this zone extends beyond the warm zone and is not in the range of the perpetrator. This zone shall encompass positions such as the command post, staging, and other functional groups.
Cold zone
Officer of the first arriving unit will establish command and perform the following tasks:
- Size up, estimate # of patients
- Request appropriate MCI level response and request additional units and/or specialized equipment as needed.
- Identify a staging area
- Established unified command with law enforcement. The decision may be made to establish rescue task force
- If area is deemed safe to enter, direct the remaining crew and any additional arriving personnel to initiate triage.
- Triage will be performed in accordance with WPBFD EMS protocols
- Be on high alert for suspicious individuals, packages, vehicles, or potential IEDs. Complex event response should include the critical actions contained in the acronym THREAT.
A what will be established by command after the scene has been stabilized?
Warm Zone Casualty Collection Point (CCP)
Units will be used from the ________ _____ to create a _________ that is barricaded by FD units on _______ sides
Staging area
The CCP will become the ______ area and be established at a _______ and ___________ distance, remaining close enough to the scene for ease of _________ ________ to the treatment area.
This protected area will create a barrier from possible __________ ______ or __________ looking to create more casualties.
Safe and reasonable
Patient movement
Secondary blasts or perpetrators
The CCP will have a minimum of ______ assigned ______ ___________ ______ to protect and control the access.
Law enforcement officers
Law enforcement officers will be requested through what?
Command on the assigned TAC channel.
It is essential that both WPBFD and law enforcement agencies work under a ________ ________
Unified command
Who establishes command? And what is the radio designation?
First arriving officer
Get a ________ from law enforcement, establish a ________ _______ and ________ with law enforcement.
Unified command
Consider assigning a ________ ______ for WPBFD and law enforcement
Liaison officer
The ________ can interact with each other, allowing the transfer of info between agencies.
3 under command
Remain in a ______, ______, and ______ location; _______ and _____ of the incident
Safe, fixed, and visible
Uphill and upwind
4 under command
Initiate a MCI ______ __ until what?
Level 2
Until a count can be determined
5 under command
Designate a _________ area.
Assign personnel to….. (5 things) #6 under command
Rescue task force
Triage group
Treatment group
Transport group
Staging group
7 under command
Advise dispatch of the what once triage is complete?
of patients and their categories
If needed, form a _________ branch to reduce the span of control
Ensure proper _______ of the incident site, treatment area, and transport loading area.
Provide for _______ ______ and ______ for emergency vehicles, including law enforcement
Traffic control
Radio designation for medical branch
2 under medical branch
Assure what three things have been established
If established by command, the _____ ______ _____, _____, ________, and _______ will now report to the medical branch
Triage, treatment, and transport group
Rescue task force, triage, treatment, and transport
Work with command and direct and/or supervise on scene personnel from agencies such as what?
Medical examiner’s office
Red Cross
Private ambulance companies
Hospital volunteers
4 under medical branch
Ensure notification of _______ _______ through dispatch
Medical control
5 under medical branch
Ensure law enforcement maintains proper security of the what?
Incident site, treatment area, and transport loading area
Provide for ______ _____ and _______ for emergency vehicles, including law enforcement
Traffic control
Triage group supervisor
#1. Reports to __________ _______, if established. Otherwise reports to _______
Medical branch
Triage group supervisor
#2. Radio designation is….
Triage group supervisor
#3. Supervises the ______ __________, ________ _______ ______ and directs ________ _______ personnel to locate deceased victims.
Triage personnel, rescue task force
Medical examiner
Triage group supervisor
#4. Organize the triage team to begin _______ ______. Of patients. Assemble the __________ _______ and _______ in a safe area. Use ________ or a ________ _______ system if necessary
Initial triage
Walking wounded and uninjured
Bullhorns or a public address (PA)
Triage group supervisor
#5. Advise command ( or the _________ _______ if established) as soon as possible if there is a need for ________ ________.
Medical branch
Additional resources
Triage group supervisor
# 6. Coordinate with ________ _______ to ensure that priority patients are treated _____.
Treatment group
Triage group supervisor
#8. Maintain control of the ____ _____ and ensure law enforcement maintains triage area ______
Triage area
Triage group supervisor
#9. Report to command (or medical branch, if established) upon what for further assignments.
Completion of duties
Treatment group supervisor
#1. Report to who, if established. Otherwise, report to _______.
Medical branch
Treatment group supervisor
#2. Radio designation is…
Treatment group supervisor
#3. Directs the movement of ______ to the transport loading area
Treatment group supervisor
#4. Consider assigning an _____ to assist with documentation or assigning a ________ ____.
Documentation unit
Treatment group supervisor
#5. Direct personnel in the what to triage patient.
Warm zone casualty collection point (CCP)
Treatment group supervisor
#6. Considerations for a treatment area:
A. Capable of accommodation the # of patients and equipment
B. Consider weather, safety, and the possibility of hazardous materials.
C. Designate entrance and exit areas in the casualty collection point.
D. Use appropriate color tarps if available (located on EMS 2)
Treatment group supervisor
#7. If needed, designate a _____ for each area (red, yellow, green) and assign a _____. The red, yellow, and green _______ report to the _______ _______ _______ and are responsible for the treatment and continual ___- _______ of patients in their area. The ____ ______ need to notify the treatment group supervisor of patient _______ and
______ for transportation. Assure that all appropriate patient info is _____.
Unit leader
Treatment group supervisor
Unit leaders
Readiness and priority
Treatment group supervisor
#8. Complete a what as patients enter the area
Treatment log
Treatment group supervisor
#9. Ensure that all patients are _________ through a ________ _______ and the assessment is documented on a ______ _____.
Secondary exam
Triage tag
Treatment group supervisor
#10. All ____ tagged patients will be _________ immediately as _______ units become available. These patients should not be ______ in the treatment area.
Treatment group supervisor
#11. Ensure that enough _________ is available to effectively ______ all patients.
Treatment group supervisor
#12. Establish _________ with Transport group supervisor to coordinate proper _________ of the appropriate patients. Direct the movement of the patients to the _____ ______ _____.
Patient loading areas.
Treatment group supervisor.
#13. Provide periodic _______ ______ to command (or the _______ ______, if established.)
Status reports
Medical branch
Transport group supervisor
#1. Reports to ______ ______, if established. Otherwise reports to ________.
Medical branch
Transport group supervisor
#2. Radio designation
Transport group supervisor
#3. Assign and supervise a ________ _______ _______ to establish continuous contact with medical control.
Medical Communication Coordinator
Transport Group supervisor
#4. Coordinate patients and maintenance of _______ relating to pt identification, injuries, mode of transportation, and destination.
Transport group supervisor
#5. Assign a __________ _____, with a _____, to assist with paperwork and communications.
Documentation aide
Transport group supervisor
#6. Establish a patient ________ area. Advise ______ of the location and direction of travel.
Transport group supervisor
#7. Consider requesting law enforcement for assistance for ensuring the _______ of pt loading area.
Transport group supervisor
#8. Arrange for the transport of patients from the ________ area. Maintain a ________ _________ log. Keep the appropriate section of the _____ ______ for future documentation.
Treatment area
Hospital transportation log
Triage tag
Transport group supervisor
#9. Communicate with the _______ ______/ ______ _____ and relay the # of patients to be transported by air. Air transported patients should be assigned to _______ _______, unless the patient’s needs dictate otherwise. (Trauma center, burn unit)
Landing Zone/ heli-spot Officer
Distant hospital
Medical communications coordinator
#1. Report to the __________ _____________ and is responsible for maintaining communication with ________ __________ to assure proper patient ___________ info and ________.
Transport supervisor
Medical control
Transport info and destination
Medical communications coordinator
#2. radio designation
Medical communications coordinator
#3. Establish communication with ________ ________. Advise ________ _______ of the overall ___________ as well as the number and _________ of patients.
Medical control will survey area hospitals to determine their _________ and _________ and then relay this info to the field.
Document this info on the ________ _________ worksheet and maintain this document for the __________ of the incident.
Medical control
Medical control
Capabilities and capacities
Hospital capability
Medical communications coordinator
#4. When units are prepared to transport, advise Medical control of the following information:
A. The unit transporting
B. The # of patients to be transported
C. Their triage priority: Red, Yellow, Green
D. Any patients with special needs (cardiac, burn, trauma)
Medical Communications Coordinator
#5. The medical communications coordinator, in conjunction with ________ _______, will determine the most appropriate facility. Ground transported patients should be assigned to hospitals on a ________ _______.
Medical Control
Rotating basis
Medical Communications Coordinator
#6. Once ________ _________ receives the info from the medical communications coordinator, ________ _______ will notify the appropriate _______. Transporting units will not contact the individual __________ on their own, unless there is a need for _________ ____________ outside of protocols.
Medical control
Medical control
Medical direction/care
Staging Officer
#1. Reports to _________ and is responsible for managing all activities with ping the ________ _______.
Staging area
Staging officer
#2. Radio designation
Staging officer
#3. If not completed by command, establish the ________ of the staging area and notify the ____________ _______ to direct any incoming units to that location.
Communication center.
Staging officer
#4. Maintain a _______ _______ log.
Unit staging log
Staging officer
#5. Ensure that all personnel stay within their ________ unless otherwise directed by command.
If personnel are directed to assist in other functions, ensure that the ______ stay with each vehicle.
Staging officer
#6. Coordinate with the ________ _______ the destination of a location for patient ________ and best _______ to the area.
Transport officer
Staging officer
#7. Maintain a reserve of at least _____ transport vehicles. When the reserve is depleted, request additional units through ________.
Swat medics
#1. Report to the _______ _______ and have _______ and __________ responsibilities with the ________ _______.
Tactical and operational
Swat medics
#2. Radios designation is ___________ followed by the __________ __________.
“SWAT Medic”
Identifying numerical
SWAT Medics
#3. The swat medics will report back to Triage the _______, the _________, and the _______ of the patients still in the _______ Zone that need to be triaged.