103.01 Alarm Assignments (week 4) Flashcards
All I-95 incidents shall have a minimum response of what? Regardless of the nature of the call
1 Suppression unit
1 Rescue
The requirements of medical response are based on what?
Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) procedures.
Mass casualty incidents are not __________ _________ as in a structure fire
Progressive responses.
After what in an MCI shall the __ request the appropriate level of response?
After the number of patients has been determined
Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
A _________ __________ __________ shall be requested for incidents reported to involve hazardous materials.
A Hazardous Materials (HAZ-Mat) Assignment
Hazardous Materials situations may include what?
Fires, spills, transportation accidents, chemical reactions, explosions and similar events.
Hazards of hazmat incidents may include:
Chemical, biological, radiological, or combinations of factors.
If station 2 units are unavailable to fulfill a request for a hazmat response, _________ __ shall be dispatched to fill the assignment
Station 5.
A Technical Rescue Assignment shall be requested for incidents that require what?
Specialized equipment and training to extricate or rescue patients
Technical Rescue incidents include:
Confined space rescue
Trench rescue
High or low angle rope rescue
Vehicle or machinery entrapment
structural collapse
Tree rescues
If a Technical Rescue Assignment is being requested for an extrication and _________ __ is unavailable, ___________ ___ units shall be dispatched to fill the assignment.
Station 5
Station 2
When requesting a Technical Request Assignment, consider requesting what?
Residential structure fire response for additional personnel and resources.
Dive Rescue Assignment shall be requested for incidents with victims in….
Bodies of water.
West Palm Beach Dive Team does not what?
Operate from a specific station.
Whose responsibility is it to request the appropriate units as a Special Call?
Battalion Chief
A dive rescue assignment may be assembled from unit(s) already on scene if….
If there are enough qualified personnel available.
Prior to assembly of a Dive Rescue Assignment, attempts to preform surface dives to locate victims are…
Strictly prohibited.
A Special Call is a……
Request for the dispatch of any combination of additional unit types, unit capabilities, or specific units.
The Special Call request must specify what?
The desired quantity of unit types or capabilities or the specific units desired.
When formulating a recommendation for a Special Call, ___ _________ is given to the units already assigned to the incident.
No consideration.
Fire alarm, trash fires, service calls, and public assists get what in response?
1 Engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
Residential structure fire gets what in response?
2 engines
1 aerial
1 squad
2 rescues
1 EMS Captain
1 HM-2
1 Battalion Chief
2nd alarm response gets
1 engine
1 Aerial
1 Rescue
1 Ops chief
Commercial Fire response gets
3 Engines
2 Aerial
1 Squad
2 Rescue
1 HM-2
1 EMS Captain
2 Battalion Chiefs
2nd alarm to commercial structure fire
2 Engines
1 Aerial
2 rescues
1 Ops Chief
High-Rise Fire response
3 Engines
2 Aerial
1 squad
2 rescues
1 EMS Captain
1 H/M-2
2 Battalion Chiefs
2nd alarm for high rise fire response
2 Engines
1 Aerial
2 Rescue
1 Battalion Chief
1 Ops Chief
Vehicle Fire and Brush Fire response
1 Engine
Or 1 Aerial
Or 1 Squad
1 Rescue
2nd alarm for vehicle fire and brush fires response
1 engine
Or 1 squad
1 EMS Captain
1 Battalion Chief
1 Brush Truck
Vehicle in Canal Response
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
1 rescue
1 EMS Captain
1 Battalion chief
Motor vehicle collision (MVC) response
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
1 rescue
1 ems captain
1 battalion chief
MVC w/ extrication assignment response
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
1 rescue
1 ems captain
1 HM-2
Chemical emergency and residential gas leak response
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
1 rescue
1 EMS Chief
1 Battalion Chief
Possible trauma alerts, cardiac arrests, and drowning response
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
1 rescue
1 ems captain
Open water rescue
1 engine
Or 1 aerial
Or 1 squad
2 rescue
1 ems captain
Medical response
1 rescue