1/9 Kingsley Dentoalveolar Infections Flashcards
What are dentoalveolar infections?
Pyogenic (___) infections associated with ____ and surrounding/supporting structures, including ____
Pus; teeth; periodontium and alveolar bone
Inflammation of dental pulp tissue
Pulpitis is mainly caused by:
Bacterial infections, secondary to caries development
Causes of pulpitis
- dental caries
- traumatic tooth fracture
- bruxism
- traumatic dental treatment
- periodontitis in gingival crevice
- blood supply problem
Two types of pulpitis
- reversible
- irreversible
Reversible pulpitis involves ____ pulp which ____ responds to carious lesion
Inflamed; actively
Reversible pulpitis symptoms
Transient sharp, localized pain (hot, cold, sweet)
When reversible pulpitis is treated, pulp remains
Irreversible pulpitis symptoms
Dull throbbing pain without stimulus
____ does not subside quickly and may be difficult to localize
Irreversible pulpitis
True or false: irreversible pulpitis rarely requires intervention via endodontics and extraction
False - typically requires
____ is known as a pulp polyp
Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
Pulp polyp usually occurs in:
- deciduous molars
- permanent first molars
Pulp polyps are reversible or irreversible?
Three main types of dentoalveolar abscesses
- periapical abscess
- periodontal abscess
- pericoronitis
Periapical abscess is most common among:
Children and teenagers (kids that have not been to the dentist in a long time)
Periodontal abscess is most common among:
Adults and elderly
_____ is a complication of pulpitis
Periapical abscess
____ is a complication of periodontitis, pocket trauma, periapical periodontitis
Periodontal abscess
Pericoronitis is an infection of:
Operculum covering impacted or partially erupted third molar
Apical periodontitis or periapical abscess is located at:
Tip (apex) of root
____ is common with a periapical abscess
Apical radiolucency
In a periapical abscess, ____ usually precedes any ____
Pain; swelling
Periapical abscess: intraoral dental sinus may occur, also known as ____ or _____
Parulis; gumboil