World studies Flashcards
the __________ or national road was an ealry road reaching all the way from Maryladn to lllinois
turnpkes were a very profitable buesiness that private companies maintaind for year s
Is creditied with building the itst commercially successful steamboat
robett fulton
traveling by boat to lkae erie from albany new yrok was made pssible by the new tranpotaion foute the
erie canal
all of the following were benefits of the emergence of steamboat river travel except that river ports and frontirer settlements grew or river travel was no longer affected by weaterh cahnges
rier travel was no longer affected by weather changes
the eventual decline of canal buling and use in america was caused primarlily by the weater
what invention did peter coooper race with
all of he following were ture except what state governmetsn hlped to finace realorad projects or it awas limkited to area wher errivers and streams provided water
it was limiedt to areas
for many years the pony experess provided a vital communication link with the rwest
a major function of the early telegraph network was to keep railroad traffic coordinated
what did smauel morese invent
the telegraph
what idea did eli whitney intorduce that led to the mass procution of many itmes
interchangeable parts
the __________ system describes the system whereby goods are manufactured by many people wokirng in one place
what did smauel slater intodcuce in pawtucket
factory system
idustiral growth in the early 1800s occurred extensively in th enew england region
which of these goes with francis cabot lowell industrialism or transcendentalism
children raely worked in early american factoeies
workders formed ____ ___ to promote theri goals for labor reforsm
labor union
what did john deere invent
a plow
what di cyrus mccormick buld in chicago
a reaper
what did eli whityeny use to claen a short staple crop
cotton gin
the cotton gin was somewhat resposibl eof rthe continutaion fo which of thse sea trade or slavery
most souterhenrs woned slaves in the early 1800s
american ships that traded with asia also helpe dthe untied states lay claim to the pacific coast of noruth america
donald mckay set new records iwth this invention
clipper ships
commodore ____________ ______ opended american trade with japan
matthew perry
during this period most immigrants came to america from irleand and ________
which of thse goes with ralph waldo emmerson industialism or transcendentalism
which of thse goes with asahel nettleton unitarianism or revivalism
which of thse goes withwilliam ellery channing industrialsm or unitariansim
which of thse goes with timoryt dwight reform movemtnests or revivalsim
______ was a movemtn in lieterature that placed ag reat emphasis on emotion
which one of the following was at least a partial resutl of changes occcuring in american colleges expansion of sea trade or the seonc great awakening
2nd great awakening
which of these goes with charles finney transcendentalism or revivalsim
large revival gathering sin western areas such as kentucky and tennessse were called ______________ ________
camp meetings
which of theses goes with horace mann unitariasm or reform movements
reform movemetns
the quakers were the first to be involved in abolitonis efforsts
lucretia mott and _____ _____ ____ were famous female abolitonists who organized the senceca falls convention for women’s rights
elizbeth cady stantion