Science test Flashcards
The ________ Republican party achieved power in 1800
what president was the first to be inaugurated in Washington, DC
Thoas Jefferson
Did most of the midnight judges never serve because congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801
As presdint thomas jefferson tried to impeach who
federalists judges
did the trepolitan war involve sailing rights in the mediterranean sea
Which of the Following was most responsible for an increase in forign countries respect for the United States in the opening years of the 1800s
The chesapeake affair or the Tripolitan War
The tripolitan War
In 180 nearly of all american trade passed though the western part of ________ _______
New Orleans
Did the amreican envoys exceed their orignal instructions whne they agreed to the louisian purchase
who was the leader of the country that sold land to the Untied states
Why was jefferson hesitant to accept the louisian purchase
because jefferson didn’t know if the constitution granted the right to buy land
who was jefferson’s secretary who explored the missouri river
meriwether Lewis
Was Zebulon Pike the first amercian explorer to encounter a grizzly bear
whoe was an indian guide and interprpreter
the british decree, orders in ________ made it illegal for neutral nations to trade unless they first stoed at at british port
all of the following harmed trade with amrica dring the arly 1800s except what
Battle of Tippecanoe
The issue of impressment creatd tension because of an incident involved what US ship
Did the Indians attack settlers in the Indians Territoyr as a reult of the confiscation of thier land by unfair treaties
Who defeated at tippecanoe
Would the War of 1812 possibly been avoided if communication had been better
The _________ __________ was the goup of western and southen representatives who deounced britian an dpuushed for astronger defense
war hawks
As ameria enterd the War of 1812 it lacked all of the following except what
support for president Monroe
The ____________ the united States, and the niagara were american ships thaat achieved important victoreis during the war of 1812
to open the wr of 812 did the americans launch a successful attack against canada that resulted in the caputre of quebec
Did Madison serve 2 terms as President
Who was the author of the famous message wer have met the enemy and they are ours
oliver Hazard perry
by winning control of teh Great lakes, was america able to drive the british out of the northweset
The battle of _____ _______ took place after the war of 1812 was officially over
New Orleans
Is the term referring to the pride and patriotism that Americans had in thier country after the War of 1812
The treaty of _____ ended the War of 1812
Did the domocratic republican party lose power as a result of the war of 1812
who was the president during the era of good feelings
james Monroe
what is the name of acurrent officholder who is running again for the same offic
what is a closed meeting of party leaders to choose a candidate called
All the following are true about the Monroe Doctrine except what
Europeans may set up new colonies in the amrericas
Did teh banking practicess of western state anks help to crate the panic of 1819
What is the selling and transporing of goods from one states to another called
inerstate commerce
What case ruled that the power to tax inculdes the power two destroy
Mcculloch V. Maryland
hat establish 36 30 as a boundary
missouri compromise
During the War of 1812 the ________ captured and burned Washington DC
Was the leader of the War Hawks.
henery clay