History Flashcards
was the period from the end of the Civil War to 1877 proved to b e atime of tseting for American values
Some republicans were determined to also give the ______ equality and the opportunity to prosper as individuals
In December 1863 Lincoln annouced his ____________ plan
10 percent plan
Lincoln’s plan met resistance however from a group known as
radical republicans
in 1864 congress developed its own reconstruction plan the
wade davis bill
Johnson’s plan was to first offer _________ a group pardon to southerners wh owold sewar loyalty to the union
this abolished slavery
the thirteenth amendment
were very resturitive they palced black epopel in an iferior position to white people
black codes
Congress refused to seat southern representatives instead moderate and radical republcans fromed theri won ___ ______ __ ______
joint committee on reconstruction
of pennsylvania led the radical republicans in the house
thaddeus stevens
The radical leader in the senate was
charles summer
one bill increaded the role of the ___________ __________
freedmen’s bureau
ordered the army to ensure that the south complied with congressional mandates
reconstruction act of 1867
But man soutehrsnes resent d the northernses presenc ein the south what were these called
a white southern who supported reconstruction was called a
This Act made it illegal for the president to remove any appointee wh ohad been approved by the Senate unless the senate also approved the dismissal
tenure of office act
Johnson teseted the law by friing ___________________ the secretary of war whom lincon had appointed
edwin statnon
_____________ ______________ the Us secreatry of state ably directed johnsons foegen policy
william seward
This amendment kept states from denying the vote to any citizen on accoun of race color or previous conditon
fifteenth amendment
was led by conservative southersn or redeemrs
bourbon reconstruction
Democrat __________ _______ won the popular vote but still lost the election
samuel tilden
to meet the needs of soutern agiculture many epeople began
By 1890 southerners spoke hopful of a ______ _____
New South
one new feature of soutenr industry was the ___ _____
Mill town
in 1866 former confedrate sodiers fromed a secret organizatin called the
ku klux klan
Who got impeached by Radicals
Andrew Johson