American Republic Test Flashcards
most southerners owened slaves efore the civil war
for some slaves the final desteination of the underground railroad was candaa
some southern states made it illegal to teach slaves to read and write
what is the support for eliminating lsavery called
leading black abolitnist ________ _______ travveled and gave lectures against slavery
fedrick douglass
what was the freeing of slaves called
graduel emancipitation
who was an escaped slave who helped other slaves escape underground railroad
harriet tubman
william lloyd garrison and horace ______ were vocal aboltionists who condemend slaveryt through the publciation of newspaepers
most northerners in the ealy 1800s wre abolitionsits who wanted equal rights for blacks
who proposed the Kansas nebraska act wit its affiermation of popular sovereignty
stephen douglass
the ___________ ____________- act passed in 1854 to allow settlers in western lands to decide for or agaisnt slavery for themselves
kansas nebraska
what was the doctrine taht settlers hold to decide the lavery issues for themslelaves
popular sovereignty
_ _ _ wrote an infuential novel depicting the life of slaves
harriet beechr stowe
the new poltical paryt oposing slavery formed in teh 1850s was called the _________party
Democrat _______________ ________— won the 1856 presedential election
james buchanan
who ruled that the missouri compromise was unconstititional
roger b taney
who led federal troops to harpers ferry and captured john brown
robert e lee
what is the action advocated by the fire eaters called
what is a statement of what a political paryt stands for on various issues called
lincoln carried no southern state in the 1860 election
Lincoln won the elcection of 1860 largely ecause the deomcrats vote was split betweent wo candidates
all of the following were candisdates in the 1860 presidental election except who john bell stephen douglas or roger b taney
roger b tany
who lost a senate election in lllinois afte deating with stepehen dougalss
Aberham Lincoln
what state was the first to leave the union
south carolina
the confederacy chose exteremist fire eater to lead its goverment
_____________ _____ became the president of the confedracy
jefferson davis
who was chosen to e the vice presdient of he confereacy
alexander stephens
licnoln ordred the resupplying of fort sumeter
who gave orders to prevnet all efforst sto resupply fort sumeter
Jefferson Davis
why did the confereartes fire on for sumter
because lincoln was going to ressuply the confedeate
what state was literall split in two by teh civil war
which one of teh following states was the norht unable to keep in the union when war missouri maryland or tenneseee
which of the following does not describe the norht in the mid 1800s industial destination of immigrants emphasis on states rights
states rights
at the outst of the war the north had which one of the following advantages more industry a larger agricultual region or a greater patriotism
more industry
at the beginning of teh war the south had allow of the following advantages excep the hop of foreign assistance the better militay commanders or a large and well tranind navy
a large and well traind navy