Science test Flashcards
What are the large divisions that the earth’s crust are made up of
Tectonic plates
Is our moon much larger, much smaller, or the same size than the average moon in our solar system
Much larger
Does the moon’s gravity produce the tides or earth or the tilt of the earth
Tides of the earth
What does the lesser light to rule the night in Genesis 1 refer to
The moon
What shape is the earth’s orbit
What most directly causes our seasons
The earth’s spin axis
What does the earth’s atmosphere protect us from
Comets and meteors
Is the earth the only body in our solar system that has an atmosphere
What do the outer planets gas giants keep from Earth
Is our solar system protected by being very close to the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Geology literally means the study of what
The Earth
The earth’s _______ field protects us from harmful radiation particles that are streaming through space
Can the plate tectonics theory be explained within a young earth world view
Who is considered to be the Father of Geology
Charles Lylell
__________ evolution is a compromise believe that proposes that God used biological evoultion to allow life to develop on earth
The old-earth view of the earth’s history such as assigning ages to rocks that extend far back into time is called the ____________ viewpoint
Deep time
What biblical event would be most in conflict with an old earth geology viewpoint
The Flood
Who summarized the view known as uniformitarianism with the bief statement, the present is the key to the past
Charles Lyell
Secular geologiest currently believe that the earths aage is how many years
4-5 Billion
Young earth creationists believe the earth’s age is about how may years old
Who restored support for a young earth view of geoology by writing The Genesis Flood in 1961
John Whitcomb and Henery Morris
Do both Christian and non Christian scientists believe that the earth is regular and predictable
Was the flood of Noahs time worldwide in its extent
Do geologists sometimes use explosives to create artificial seismic waves
Scientists theorize about what is inside the earth by studying the movement of __________ waves as they pass through the earth
Geologists learn about the resence of layers in the earth’s interior by studying what type of waves that travel though the earth
What is the name for earthquake waves
Which of these layers is the thinnest Asthenosphere, crust, mantle, or core
The crust
Is the earth’s crust thicker o thinner under oceans than under the continents
Where is the Moho found
The bottom of the crust
What do scientists believe the earth’s core is mostly composed of
Is mantle material denser than the inner core material
Which of these is abiological natural resource soil seawater sunlight or shrimp
Are some biological and some non biological nautral resources renewable
What is a natural resource that has been located and indenified but is not bien used called
Potential resource
What is a nautral resource that has been located and identified and being used right now
Actual Resource
How is the value of a particular natural resource determined
by supply and demand
A resource manager who is concerened with sustainable yields would be working with what
A renwable resource
Should aChristian be concerned about a species become extinct